Power and Plyos
Metabolic Conditioning

What is the formula for power?

P=W/delta T , W = Fxd


In a 100m sprint, an elite runner will reach peak running velocity in…



What are the 6 critical patterns of agility?

Accel & Decel, Reverse, Lateral Shuffle, Crossover,

Open Step, Pivot Turn


The ATP-PCr system and the glycolytic systems are not capable of supplying all of the energy needs for all-out activity lasting more than:

2 minutes 


At what percentage load in the force-velocity curve is power generally maximized?

approx 60%


Which of the following is not a good coaching point when teaching acceleration? 

a)  Low centre of gravity 

b)  Forward lean 

c)  Hard frontside drive 

d)  Weight towards heel

d)  Weight towards heel


Which of the following would be an effective progression recommendation for agility training? 

a)  Start with sport-specific movements and then increase volume weekly 

b)  Start with unplanned direction changes and progress to planned direction changes 

c)  Start with simple acceleration, deceleration and direction changes and progress to complex turning, rotation and multi-directional acceleration and deceleration.

d)  Start with high-intensity, low volume and progress to low intensity, high volume. 

c)  Start with simple acceleration, deceleration and direction changes and progress to complex turning, rotation and multi-directional acceleration and deceleration.


The metabolism of glucose to form pruvate results in a gross production of how mant ATP?



3 forms of power training

Ballistic, Reactive, Power-endurance


During the terminal swing phase: 

a) the knee flexes and lower leg folds tightly towards hip 

b) the foot contacts the ground 25cm in front of body 

c) the thigh reaches maximum knee height

d) the leg becomes maximally extended 


c) the thigh reaches maximum knee height


What are 3 phases of progression of agility training?

Basics, closed drills, open drills


Define Lactate Threshold

when levels increase above resting.

when lactate production exceeds lactate clearance

point of deflection

lactate exceeds 4mM


Based off Trevs methods, ____ is the a good amount of total volume depth jumps



What are the critical components of front side control during a sprint?

Knee high, toe pulled up, heel in towards buttocks, opposite arm up, elbow bent, hands go cheek to cheek


6 exercises for an advanced agility program

closed drills
shuffle, cross over, accel to open cut

accel, pivot, accl, reverse, shuffle

any type of complexes 

Open Drills

one on one coverage

box drill repeats,

obstacle course challenge


What is the difference between anaerobic power vs anaerobic capacity?

Power - rate at which ATP is produced using anaerobic means

Capacity - the duration that anaerobic workload can be maintained


What is the goal of phase 1 training of a power program?

Lift and Stretch


List 6 cues that can be used to coach top speed

-Drive knee up

-Land under COG

-Attack ground

-Arm Drive

-Pop and float

-Cheek to cheek

-Punch and hammer

-Hands up and down

-Hands relaxed


Should a strength coach be accountable for all sport-related quickness development?

Partially, our job is to fill their toolbox, give them the required skills to be able to do what needs to be done. It is the sport coaches job to be able to allow them to express that on the field. 


Describe the phenominon that causes anaerobic training to train the aerobic system.

Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)

Exercise creates an instintaneous increase in O2 requirment, but O2 consumption is lagging behind cause O2 Deficit. At the end of exercise, oxygen requirement stays elevated and slowly decrease, paying back the O2 debt incured - EPOC