The negative stress hormone that is released from the body when stressed.
Lung Cancer
This practice guarantees zero chance of becoming pregnant or contracting STDs/STIs.
This stage of stress is also known as "fight or flight"
Alarm Stage
This addictive chemical is found in tobacco products.
The syndrome where someone has no motivation to do anything due to marijuana use.
Amotivational Syndrome
A normal response your body has to stress.
Pupil Dilation
Increased Heart Rate
Increased Sweating
This membrane is where nicotine is absorbed when using smokeless tobacco products.
Mucus Membrane
Alcohol predominantly affects this part of the body...
Methamphetamine was originally created to combat these two things.
Obesity & Narcolepsy
This STI is also known as "The Clap".
A method that encompasses all management techniques to cope with stress are known as:
Stress Management
Nicotine causes this type of stress response.
Fight or Flight
In a family living with an alcoholic, this person is an overachiever, does well in school, and is involved with extra curriculur activities.
The Hero
This Schedule 4 substance is prescribed to help with anxiety.
The term for when the sperm and egg meet.
The ________ signals the ________ gland that releases ________ hormone.
The _hypothalamus__ signals the _pituitary_ gland that releases _cortisol_ hormone.
The disease associated with vaping and e-cigs that cause damage to the lungs.
The amount of drinks that is considered to be binge drinking for females.
4 beverages
A type of prescription drug associated with controlling the central nervous system and slowing down the brain function.
A depressant.
This body part is the opening to the uterus.