What is the name of the ilness when you do not feel tastes and have high temperature?
The part of the body above the neck where the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and brain are.
a mental illness in which a person is very unhappy and anxious for a long period of time and cannot have a normal life during this period
A depression
How many hours a day a person should sleep?
8 hours
If it happens with the part of ypur body, the bones move away from their correct position
What is the name of the illness when you cough and have a running nose?
A flu
One of the parts of human body which is used for standing or walking
A medical condition that affects espesially old people, when the memory and mental abilities become worse, and behavior becomes confused
What type of food a person should eat to lead a healthy lifestyle?
Vegetables, fruits
when your bones are broken it is called
What is the illness when you feel dizzy after eating rotten food?
Two organs in the chest with which people and some animals breathe
a mental illness thet causes extreme feelings that others are trying to harm you
How much water should a person drink a day to be healthy?
2 liters
when you did this, you usually have a wound
What is the desease when you body is covered with rash - small pimples with liquid contents?
The line of bines down the centre of the back that provides support for the body and protects the spinal cord
a mental illness, that causes an addiction of casino
gambling addiction
How many times (and minutes ) a week a person needs to do sports to be healthy?
As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day.
a dark area of your skeen where you have been hurt
The name of the desease when your body is covered with black rash also this illness is terminal?
A large organ in the body that cleans the blood and produces bill
a serious mental illness in which someone cannot understand what is real and what is imaginary
How many minutes of sunlight a person should have?
5-30 depending on skin tone, age, health history, diet, and where you live.
a blistered area of your skeen that appears after you tuoch something really hot