Is an apple a fruit or veggie?
Should you brush your teeth every day?
why is calcium important?
To make your bones stronger and allow them to grow.
How many push ups can you do?
prove it!
Should you share information with strangers?
No, absolutely not!
Is cake healthy?
What nontraditional use is the dryer used for?
Soothing noise for sleeping.
where are the 3 smallest bones in your body?
in your ear
Why is exercise beneficial?
helps get your blood pumping, healthy heart
What information is private?
Address, phone number, full name, where you go to school, age
Is an onion a fruit or a veggie?
How often should you wash your face?
Everyday (at least one)
Why is impact important for your bones? and what are some examples?
How many times a week should you exercise?
Who is it safe to share private information with?
trusted teacher, parents, doctors, close friends, family
What are the food groups?
Grain, Dairy, Protein, Fruit, Veggies
How often should you floss?
What are some good ways to exercise?
Walking, running, jumping jacks, weightlifting, mountain climbers
Carbon Monoxide
Should you eat an apple every day?
About every 2-3 weeks
Where is the calcaneus bone located?
Your heel
How long should you exercise every day?
an hour
What substance is commonly used in fireworks is toxic and can pose as a fire hazard?