The Nervous System
Managing Stress
Mental Disorders
Managing Emotional Well-Being

Define: the study of the nervous system – its structure, functions, disorders, and diseases.



Define: the challenges that face us in life and our responses to those challenges.



Define: this is a disorder that can cause psychological and behavioral disturbances with varying severities.

Mental Disorder


How can a lack of sleep disrupt your mental and emotional well-being?

The main purpose of sleep is to rest the brain. 

Lack of sleep dulls the brain & can make you more irritable. 


Describe the "D" in the DISCERN Process.

Determine your choices.


The Nervous System is made up of two main systems - what are they called?

Central Nervous System & Peripheral Nervous System


What are the physical changes in your body that increase your ability to persevere for survival or flee to safety called?

Fight or Flight Response


Describe the difference between anxiety and depression.

Anxiety - feeling extremely worried or anxious about something that you have no control over. Involves persistent feelings of anxiety or dread that interferes with how you live your life.

Depression - severe sad / low feelings that persists for weeks and affects how you feel, think, and handle daily activities.


List two tips for getting a good night's sleep.

- Avoid caffeine in the afternoon/evening

- Exercise regularly, at least 3 hours before bedtime

- Establish a bedtime routine (that excludes any screens)

- Go to sleep & wake up at the same time each day


Describe the "I" in the DISCERN process.

Inquire of God. 


The Central Nervous System is made up of two parts. What are they?

The brain & the spinal cord.


List three physical changes that happen in your body when the Fight or Flight Response is activated.

•brain is activated to its highest level of alertness

• pupils dilate; senses are highly attuned

• heart rate & blood pressure increase

• breathing rate increases, providing tissues with more oxygen

• cells increase their rate of energy production

• blood clotting ability increases


What are three possible contributing factors to mental disorders?

1. Inherited Traits

2. Environmental Exposures Before Birth

3. Brain Chemistry.


Name three benefits of exercise. 

•Redirects nervous energy into physical activity

• boosts melatonin levels, helping you sleep better at night

• Boosts endorphins, which makes you calmer, less susceptible to depression,
and less sensitive to aches and pains

• Increases your resistance to fatigue

• Improves immune system’s ability to prevent & fight infections

• Improves function of your digestive system

• Improves self-discipline

• Improves strength, endurance, and overal appearance (which can improve self-confidence)

• Speeds up your metabolism, giving you more energy

Describe the "S" in the DISCERN process.

Search the Scripture.


Describe the difference between the Somatic & Autonomic Nervous Systems (part of the Peripheral Nervous System).

Somatic - controls the movement of our voluntary muscles (we tell our bodies to run, walk, jump...)

Autonomic - controls the functions of our internal organs & glands (happens automatically, outside of our control)


Describe how mild stress can be beneficial.

Mild stress can be beneficial because the fight or flight responses can allow you to perform at your best.


Which mental disorder involves massive “ups & downs” or mood swings? People with this disorder have  unusually elevated moods and times in which they feel sad, indifferent, or hopeless.

Bipolar Disorder

Why should we control our emotions, and not allow our emotions to control us?

1. Scripture talks a lot about self-control. 

2. Allowing your emotions to control you makes you more susceptible to stress, depression, and physical illness. 


Describe the "C" in the DISCERN process.

Consider Godly counsel.


Name the three types of neurons in the Nervous System and briefly describe each.

1. Sensory Neurons - relay information from our senses to the CNS.

2. Motor Neurons - relay information from the CNS to other parts of the body.

3. Interneurons - found in the CNS and are responsible for information processing in the brain and spinal cord. Relay messages within the CNS.


List 5 physical ailments that can result from stress.


• physical & mental fatigue

• high blood pressure

• weaker immune system

• heart disease 


In which mental disorder do people experience uncontrollable and recurring thoughts that causes them to engage in repetitive behaviors?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)


List 5 ways we can maintain good mental and emotional well-being.

1. Exercise.

2. Sufficient sleep.

3. Thinking right thoughts.

4. Controlling your emotions.

5. Exercising the brain.


Define discernment.

The ability to know what is true and good over what is false and evil, and having the desire to choose what is good, right and true over what is evil, wrong and false.

The ability to judge between right and wrong from a Biblical perspective.