Whats one hygiene item.
deoderant, tooth paste, tooth brush, etc
According to "My Plate", how many food groups make up a healthy meal?
What does the "H" stand for in the HELP criteria for decision making?
How often should you shower.
Atleast once a day
Which basic nutrient helps build and repair cells and is made up of amino acids?
What are examples of values.
honesty, respect, caring for your family
How many times should you brush your teeth.
2-3 times a day
Which type of fat is considered a "healthy fat"?
unsaturated fat
What does the "P" stand for in the HELP criteria for decision making?
parent approval
When should you use soap.
When you shower/ wash yourself
What is one healthy characteristics of food?
Fiber, whole grains, lean protein.
What does the "L" stand for in the HELP criteria for decision making?
Whats one thing you should wear everyday.
Are carbohydrates good or bad.
What does the "E" stand for in the HELP criteria for decision making?