How do you say "bolest krku" in English?
sore throat
Is eating too much sugar healthy?
If your tooth hurts, what is happening?
you have a toothache
Say three examples of patterns
stripes, checked, dots
How do you call a computer which you can carry with you?
What are chickenpox?
What activities does healthy lifestyle contains?
sport, acc anything that makes you happy
if you slip and your ankle starts to hurt and you can't walk with it, what happened?
you twisted your ankle
When you see a woman with leopard print dress, what pattern is that?
Animal print
What is the definition of headphones?
a pair of padded speakers which you wear over your ears in order to listen to a radio or recorded music, or for using a phone without other people hearing it.
When your body exceeds 37 degrees celsius, what is the matter?
Is it healthy if I sleep less than 8 hours?
if you someone shot you in your arm, how is the injury called?
What means that my shoes MATCH with my shirt? (Czech version of the word match?)
hodí se k sobě
What is those little yellow things you send after a text?(example: 😘)
If you cough a lot, you have a runny nose and you sneeze a lot, what are you?
How much water you should drink everyday?
3.7 l men
2.7 l women
When you are old you start to have a lot of back problems, how do you call it when your back hurts?
What tailored means? (to Czech)
What is connected via bluetooth, you wear it on your wrist, to see what time it is?
What are common illnesses (definition, not examples)?
An unhealthy condition of body or mind
Illnesses that doesn´t cause death
What should a healthy food contain?
proteins, fats and carbohydrates
You fell on your arm, what is usually the diagnosis?
broken arm
What state making means?
mluvící za sebe, udělají dojem o člověku
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