What is a concussion?
A concussion is a sharp blow to the head
How many hours of sleep should children get every night?
What are the 5 food groups found on MyPlate?
Protein, Grain, Fruit, Dairy, Vegetable
In order to resolve a conflict it is important to follow these steps.
Listen/respect the other person, express your feelings in a respectful manner, use "I statements", express how you feel, get a trusted adult if you need to
What is a stranger?
Someone you do not know or are unfamiliar with
What are 3 internet safety rules you should follow
Do not share personal information, do not share passwords, ignore pop up ads, go to a trusted when you need help, do not talk to strangers
What are 3 hygiene habits you should follow every day?
Brush your teeth/hair, wear clean clothes, cut your toe nails and finger nails, wash your hands and face, wear deodorant, floss your teeth
What is the difference between a nutrient rich snack and an empty calorie snack?
Nutrient rich has vitamins and nutrients in it to help you grow/gives you energy. Empty calorie does not have nutrients it has a lot of sugar, salt and fat.
What are 3 examples of NON VERBAL communication?
Eye rolling, crosses arms, leaning away or toward the speaker, feet facing away or toward the speaker, shoulders facing away or toward the speaker
Why is it important to resolve a conflict in a healthy respectful manner?
To not escalate the situation, to not hurt one another feelings, to resolve the conflict quickly
What are the steps to treat a scrape and cut?
Apply pressure, clean it with warm water and soap, apply Neosporin, cover it with a band aid
What are 2 ways you can prevent germs from being spread?
Wash your hands, cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow pit of your arm
This substance helps fight off dehydration and you should have ____ to _____ glasses of it daily.
Water, 6-8 glasses
Verbal and Non Verbal Communication
What is the difference between mean behavior and a bullying?
Mean behavior happens once bullying is a reoccurring actions by the same person to the same person
What is a toxic twin AND an example?
Candy and medicine. Something that looks like something else that can either be good or bad for you.
How many minutes of physical activity should you get everyday AND what are 3 examples of GOOD activities to get your exercise in?
60 minutes. Running, biking, hiking, playing a sport, kayaking, cross country skiing
This food contains _______. It helps prevent muscle cramps and is a good snack to have before you sleep. What is it?
Potassium, Banana
What are some good qualities you want to have in a GOOD friend?
A friend who listens, is... kind, respectful, will not peer pressure you in a negative way. Will not talk poorly about you or others, will not make fun of you or others
Your friend is cyberbullying a classmate what do you do? Give 2 solutions to the problem
Tell a trusted adult, help out the victim, tell your friend to stop, tell them what they're doing is wrong, report them
What are 3 ways to stay safe around household poisons? (Hint: How can you prevent a poisoning?)
Use products correctly, store them in high places or lock them up, keep them in their original containers, do not mix products, do not play with products
Why is it important to exercise? Give 3 reasons
Fight of sickness, improve sleep, gives you confidence, keeps you healthy and fit, reduces stress and anxiety, helps control your emotions
Create a healthy balanced meal for lunch AND dinner using ALL of the food groups
What is a "I statement" and when is it used?
Used during conflicts or problems. An "I statement" is when an individual expresses their feelings.
I feel ________ when you ______________ because ______________________.
How do you take care of a blister and a nosebleed?
Pinch the bridge of your nose, keep your head upright. Leave the blister alone wait for it to pop on its own. When it does apply Neosporin or cover it if needed.