Evolution of health
How health is measured today

What was the quality of health measured in?

What is mortality and morbidity rates


How is physical health measured?

What is how easily one can do their daily task

also works:  to one's body and bodily functions, examples of this may vary from body size, responsiveness, susceptibility to disease, physical fitness, recuperative abilities, and disorders.


Nodding your head, or waving your hand is a form of what?

what is non-verbal communication


what is word behind "a widely held or oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing."

what is a stereotype

what are some examples of relations ships in out daily lives (at least 3).

what are

  • Friends

  • Parents 

  • Coaches

  • Coworkers

  • Teammates

  • Relatives


What did being healthy mean before modern medicine

What is the opposite of sickness


How is social health measured?

what is how a person deals with social obstacles such as communication, transactions and public behavior

Also works: the ability to satisfy interpersonal relationship, including transactions with other, ability to social situations and appropriate daily behaviors


Talking out loud to the a person or party is a form of what?

What is verbal communication


When are stereotypes most often used?

What  is

  • Race/Ethnicity

  • Gender/Sexuality

  • Age


give an example of a easy relationship?

what is someone you get along with really well.


The discovery of this was the motive that health was good hygiene, which included sanitation and behavior

What is Microorganisms.


How is intellectual health measured?

what is to one's ability to think in order to overcome life’s obstacles.

Also works: the ability of the ability to think clearly, reason objectively, analyze critically and use brain power effectively to meet life's challenges


when you do what is in your best interest, with regards to others emotions. is called?

What is assertive communication


Where are stereotypes most often used

what is

  • Media/ Internet

  • School

  • Workplace


What are the three c's of a strong healthy relationship?

what is 

  • Communication.

  • Compromise.

  • Commitment.

Besides physical health, what are four other categories of health are there today?

What is mental, emotional, social, and spiritual.


How is emotional health measured?

what is to one's ability to control their emotions and functions when it's appropriate and inappropriate.

Also works: the ability to express emotions when it is appropriate, controlling them when its not, and avoiding expressing emotion inappropriately. This includes one's self-esteem, self-confidence, self-efficiency, trust, love, etc.


Aggressive communication is when?

what is when you think and/or doing what you want regardless of anyone else's feelings


Why do we stereotype

What is a prejudgment function that we developed over time through past experiences, or new information given to us.


What are keys to a strong relationship?

what is 

  • Selflessness

  • Trust

  • Apologies

  • Remember the little things


What does biological fitness mean?

What is how well a persons genes fit into it's environment.


How is environmental health measured?

what is  to one's ability to appreciate the external environment given to them, such as the house, the outdoors, or any place.


Passive communication is when?

what is when you have feelings and desires that you don’t openly express, for example, is when you put others before you.


How can we avoid stereotyping?

what is by opening ourselves to new cultures and experiencing them ourselves. Presenting us with new information.

when your partner is selfish, frustrating, and obnoxious the relationship is?

what is difficult