
The primary entry route for silica dust.

What is inhalation?


A white-silvery color, heavy metal, odorless liquid at room temperature, or commonly found around places like the refinery as a vapor.

What is mercury?


Inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact are forms of this.

What are exposure routes?


Besides jewelry and tableware, silver is also commonly used for these thing

What are mirrors, contact switches, smartphones, batteries, solar panels, soldering, chemical production, photography, etc.?


Inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, skin/eye contact are all form of this.

What are exposure routes?


Besides intensity, measured in dB, sound is measured in these two ways.

What is frequency (wave speed-Hz and duration (time))?


This is the proper way to insert ear plugs.

What is roll/twist, pull, and hold?

-Roll/twist the plug so it will fit in the ear

-Pull (gently) the top of the ear with the opposite hand to open the ear canal

-Hold the plug in the ear until it has expanded fully


Inhalation, ingestion, absorption, injection/puncture are all known as this.

What are entry routes of exposure?


PPE worn properly, housekeeping, equipment maintenance, and personal hygiene are all forms of this.

What are personal controls?


Inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, skin or eye contact are forms of this.

What are exposure routes?


The eyes, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, kidneys, blood, and gums are all known as this.

What are target organs?


Point source containment and ventilation are forms of this.

What are engineering controls?


These are symptoms of cyanide exposure. (At least 4)

What is asphyxia, lassitude (weakness/exhaustion), headache, confusion, nausea, vomiting, increased or decreased respiration, thyroid changes, and blood changes?


At site, personal noise samples are taken with this device.

What is a dosimeter?


This is the most basic PPE to be worn on site.

What is a hard hat, safety glasses, high visibility vest or bibs, shirt with sleeves at least 4 inches in length, pants, and hard toe boots?


This is classified as a continuous recurring exposure to toxic substances. Health effects may be prolonged to months or years, but can also have immediate impacts.

i.e. lead, mercury, tobacco, asbestos, formaldehyde

What is chronic exposure?


The 3 requirements in order to wear a respirator.

What is a PFT, shaved face, and respirator fit test?


Often characterized with behavioral changes, shakes, and tremors, associated with those who treated furs in the 17th century.

What is Mad Hatter's disease?


Weakness/exhaustion (lassitude), insomnia, tremors, dementia, stomach pain, kidney disease, and high blood pressure, are all symptoms of this.

What is lead poisoning?


"Silver" and "money" are synonymous in this many different languages.

What is 14 languages?

-Including French, Thai, Welsh, Swahili


This is the most toxic form of cyanide.

What is cyanide gas (HCN)?


This is the sound level at which hearing protection should be worn.

What is 85 dB?


While the pink P100 respirator cartridges are used for exposure to dust particles, they are also used for this exposure at site.

What is lead?


A short exposure or chemical contact,  that may last several second to several hours. Health effects may be prolonged to months or years, but can also have immediate impacts.

i.e. dental x-ray radiation, nail polish remover 

What is an acute exposure?


Road treatments (water sprays, lignin sulfonate)


Removal of dust source (In-Pit)

Rotation through different work areas

-Are all forms of this.

What are controls?


Monthly urine mercury samples are a form of this.

What is biologic monitoring?

The Jerome meter and wipe samples are other forms of monitoring.


The forms of monitoring used for lead exposure are known as this.

What is quarterly blood lead samples, air pump monitoring, and wipe/ghost samples?


The nasal septum, skin, and eyes are all known as this concerning silver exposure.

What are target organs?


Besides the Merrill-Crowe process, these are other areas that one may be exposed to cyanide in their personal lives. (At least 3).

What are cigarettes, almonds, apple seeds, burning nylon fibers, chickpeas, dyes, corny spy movies?


This is the sound level where dual hearing protection should be worn.

What is 115 dB?


Other forms of PPE required for assigned tasks may include these. (At least 3)

What are gloves, leathers, fall protection, goggles, face shields, Tyvek suits, etc.?


Frequent hand washing, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, flu shots, flushing the toilet, refraining from spitting on the floor, are all forms of this, which helps to stop the spread of germs and bacteria.

What is good personal hygiene?


This is due to irreversible lung damage that is caused by scar tissue in the lungs, thus reducing oxygen exchange from the lungs to the blood stream.

What is silicosis?


Tremors, mood swings, weakness, insomnia, weight loss, chest pain, gastrointestinal issues, difficulty breathing and skin/eye irritation are all forms of this. (Not Mad Hatter's disease)

What are symptoms of mercury poisoning?


Point source containment and ventilation are known as this.

What are engineering controls?


Is also a health impact of silver exposure besides, nose, throat/skin irritation, skin ulcers, and stomach issues.

What is argyria (skin/eye discoloration, and some vision loss)?


This is how cyanide targets the body.

What is, it prevents the body's ability to use oxygen?

-Essentially, it interferes with enzyme production that transfers oxygen from blood to cells and tissues.


After sound waves are transferred from the outer ear to the ear drum, which vibrates, pressure waves are transferred to the middle ear. 

The 3 bones in the middle ear that transfer energy to the cochlea are known as these.

What are the hammer, anvil, and stirrup?

-From there the sound travels to tiny hairs in the cochlea where they are processed by the auditory nerve.


In lunchrooms and break areas, this is where PPE should be kept.

What is outside of the area, or away from areas where food is consumed?


The easiest indicator for determining dehydration.

What is urine color?


Any dust particle less than 10 microns.

What is respirable silica dust?


The brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and immune system are all considered this.

What are target organs?

-Essentially mercury accumulates in the body, and hinders cells/organs from doing their jobs.


Besides personal hygiene, these are forms of personal controls to prevent lead exposure.

What is proper PPE/respirator use, equipment maintenance, and housekeeping?


While silver may be highly conductive, this is more.

What is none?

-Silver is the most conductive known metal, silver ranks a perfect 100 on the conductivity scale (Copper-97, Gold-76)


These are the target organs concerning cyanide exposure.

What is the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, thyroid, and blood stream?


While we are primarily talking about workplace exposures, hearing conservation can also be practiced in your personal life. This is the dB level of most rock concerts.

What is 105 dB?


This is the best way to control occupational exposures.

What is elimination?

Example: The In-Pit Crusher leaving


Operating on 4 hrs of sleep or less, is equivalent to this BAC level.

What is 0.08 BAC or driving under the influence?


The approximate surface area of a human lung.

What is half a tennis court (526 ft2 to 702 ft2)?


It is often called this (other than mercury), due to its high density and free movement under standard temperature and pressure.

What is Quicksilver?

-This is why mercury is used in thermometers and barometers.


Outside of Coeur, some other potential personal lead exposures. (At least 3)

What are older paints and gasoline, solder, pipes, pottery, and bullets?


Is a noncombustible solid, but has this capability as a dust or powder.

What is flammability/ignitability?


The antidote for cyanide poisoning, amyl nitrite, can be found at these locations.

What is the lab, process plant, the Taj, and cyanide yard?


While personal hearing damage is painless, progressive overtime, and can be eventually permanent, its also has this characteristic.



While hard hats are good for 5 years after their molding date (shown below), the webbing should be replaced this often.

What is every year?


The most common MSHA citation in 2017 for surface metal mines.

What is housekeeping? (56.20003(a))

-Workplaces, passageways, storerooms, and service rooms shall be kept clean and orderly.