Daniel is trying to see the world through the perspective of a new student who came to his school form another country. What type of empath is Daniel experiencing?
What is emotional
What is a plant with leaves that contain nicotine?
What is tabacco
Alcohol is life threatening
what is true
colonoscapies are used to detect what type of cancer?
what is colon
which carbohydrate is found in processed foods and sweetened beverages?
what is Glucose
Hannas best friend anna recently lost her grandparents. Hanna is experiencing some of the same emotions as Ana because Hanna lost her grandparents last month. What kind of empathy is Hanna experiancing
What is cognitive
which is concidered a club drug
What is roofie
what is the use of alcohol to handle issues such as anxiety and depression"?
What skin cancer is the most deadly
What is melanoma
what nutrient is used to build and maintain the bodys cells and tissues?
what is Protein