VCH ALC Rate this year
What is 11.5%
Vivian Eliopoulos
Who is VCH CEO?
What is left without being seen
This hospital has the most births last year.
What is Richmond
What is Case Mix Group
This ALC category with the longest wait times in VCH:
What is AL0 Long Term Care
The new name of St. Mary's Hospital
What is Sechelt Hospital's original name?
This hospital had the most ED visits last year.
What is St Pauls Hospital
What is Activities of Daily Living
VCH LLOS Rate this year
VCH LLOS Rate this year
This is the name of the LGH youth MHSU unit
What is Carlile Youth Concurrent Disorder Centre
What is Hospital at Home
RW Large Memorial Hospital
What is Heiltsuk
What is Expected Length of Stay
This is the year that CST Cerner first went live in VCH
What is 2018
New BC Minister of Health
Who is Josie Osborne
What is Transitional Service Team
This hospital had an average census of 330 last month
What is Lion's Gate Hospital
What is Hospital Standaridized Mortality Ratio
First CST Cerner site
What is LGH?
This is the Year VGH Opened
What is 1906?
What is Senior Executive Team
This VCH site have the lowest LLOS rate this fiscal
What is Richmond
What is Resource Intensity Weight