your laying under a bar and with your hands pressing it up
What is a benchpress
How many parts of the trapz is there?
What is three
How do you lose weigth?
What is a calorie deficit?
What is progress overload?
What is adding more sets/reps or weight over time?
what is the five foundation movements?
What is pull?
What is push?
what is midline control?
what is triple extension
What is hip hinge
Do you need subplements to get big?
What is No?
What does RIR means?
What is (RIR) Reps In Reserve?
What is the biggest mucsle in the body?
What is gluteus maximus?
What micro is must optimal for muscle growth
What is Protein?
What is the rep range when training for strengh?
what is 6 and lower?
The opposite movement of plantar flexion?
What is dorsi flexion?
What is the reason most diets not working?
What is they are not sustainable for a long period of time?
What does the health triangle consist of?
What is social, mental, physical health?