This organization defines health as a state of physical, mental, and social well-being.
World Health Organization (WHO)
These diseases cannot be transmitted from one person to another.
Non-infectious diseases
What are the four main types of pathogens?
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa
Name 1 of 3 ways diseases can be transmitted.
direct contact, indirect contact, and disease vectors
A disease that occurs regularly in a specific region or population.
The One Health approach focuses on protecting these three things.
humans, animals, and ecosystems
This type of disease is caused by an exaggerated reaction to harmless substances.
An allergy
A unicellular organism with a prokaryotic cell that can cause infections.
The transmission of a disease through an infected mosquito
disease vector
The WHO declared this disease an epidemic on March 11, 2020.
This approach helps prevent diseases from spreading between animals and humans.
The One Health approach
This type of disease can result from an imbalanced diet, leading to conditions like obesity or malnutrition.
a Nutrition-related disease
This type of pathogen must invade a host cell to multiply.
A Virus
Athlete's Foot is spread through this type of contact.
direct contact (The transmission of a disease through touching an infected person’s blood or bodily fluids.)
A disease that spreads across multiple countries or worldwide at a rapid rate.
Describe one reason why diseases spread more easily today.
Open answer, possible answers:
Population Growth
Increased human and animal contact
Greater movement around the world
Provide one example of a degenerative disease (we discussed one in class!)
Alzheimer's disease
(Definition: Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia that affects memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms eventually grow severe enough to interfere with daily tasks.)
Athlete’s Foot is caused by this type of pathogen.
The transmission of a disease through contaminated food, water, or surfaces
indirect contact
Malaria is an example of this type of disease.
How does the One Health Approach attempt to increase safety in the food industry?
Focusing on the health of animals in order to prevent illnesses transmitted from animals to humans
Decreasing antibiotic resistance in animals
Greater surveillance to prevent microbial food safety
Food Sustainability
Hyperthyroidism is what type of non-infectious disease?
It is a endocrine or metabolic disease
Malaria is caused by this type of pathogen.
protozoa (through a VECTOR)
Name 2 of the 4 main ways infections enter the body
Through the skin, respiratory system, digestive system, and sexual contact
A disease that spreads rapidly in a specific area, beyond normal levels.