Birth Control
This is the act of charging women more than men for health insurance.
What is Gender Rating?
This is one of the most important issues determining justice and equality for women globally.
What is women's health access?
This made it illegal to send any "obscene, lewd, and/or lascivious" material through the mail, including contraceptive devices and information.
What is the Comstock Act?
He considered that the human embryo gained a human soul at 40 days if male, and 90 days if female; before that they had vegetable and animal souls.
Who was Aristotle?
This is a belief or social practice based on the racist idea that certain groups have more right to reproduce than others.
What is eugenics?
The system of inequality that favors men over women.
What is Androcentrism?
They are at greater risk for experiencing health problems such as obesity, heart disease and asthma.
Who are uninsured children?
This 1965 Supreme Court decision allowed married couples the right to use birth control.
What is Griswold v. Connecticut?
The birth mother of Planned Parenthood.
Who is Margaret Sanger?
This U.S. Supreme Court ruling states that laws mandating the sterilization of the mentally handicapped do not violate the Constitution.
What is Buck v. Bell?
This is the concept of addressing unhealthy environments and hazardous waste dumping in low-income areas.
What is environmental justice?
In 2006 Black women were 15 times more likely than white women to be infected by this.
What is HIV/AIDS?
The Egyptian pessary (a concoction made of crocodile dung, honey and sodium carbonate)from 1850 B.C. is the earliest example of this.
What is a Contraceptive device?
A court case that upheld the States' right to prevent public facilities or public employees from assisting with abortions.
What was Webster v. Reproductive Health Services?
This was the first state to successfully pass a mandatory forced sterilization law in 1907.
What is Indiana?
The percent of uninsured women living in families in which they or their partners are working full-time.
What is two-thirds?
This is linked to low birth weight and growth faltering in infancy through early childhood.
What is malnutrition?
This was the most popular female contraceptive in the U.S. from the 1920's to the 1960's.
What is Lysol disinfectant?
This Supreme Court ruling allowed a buffer zone around clinics to allow patients and employees access and to control noise around the premises.
What is Madsen et al. v. Women's Health Center, Inc?
These women were sterilized without their knowledge or consent in the 1960's and 70's.
Who are Native American, African American, and Latina women?
Poor women are less healthy than those who are better off, whether the benchmark is mortality, acute/chronic diseases, or mental health.
What is the issue of Equity?
Mimics the effects of human estrogen or affects its levels in the body.
What is Xenoestrogen?
This birth control drug is currently involved in lawsuits by some 4,000 plaintiffs, alleging health problems including blood clots, pulmonary embolism, stroke, gallbladder complications, and heart attacks.
What is the birth control pill YAZ?
This is a procedure where the fetus's head is punctured and then collapsed by suction or deflated so that it will fit through the partially dilated cervix.
What is D&X (intact dilation and extraction)?
This privately funded organization pays women addicted to drugs $200 to be sterilized or to use long acting contraception.
What is Project Prevention, formally known as CRACK (Children Requires A Caring Kommunity)?