Health and Safety

Two ways to tell if eggs are bad

a) Check expiration date on carton , if eggs are over 4 weeks it's bad OR  put them in water..if egg floats, it's bad.

b) Eat them with ketchup. 

c) Give them to Curtis to try.

a) Check expiration date on carton , if eggs are over 4 weeks, it's bad OR  put them in water..if egg floats, it's bad.


Watch the video then practice some of the Mindfulness exercises.

How do you feel after practicing some of the mindfulness activities? Do you feel better or worse?Do you feel excited or relaxed?


Milk lasts ________ days past the expiration date in the carton.

(a)14 (b) 21 (c)7


If the expiration date on a carton of milk says December 18, 2022, and today is Feb 1 should I drink it or toss it?



If we are thinking about Elvis or toy cars or other things too much and not on the present moment , we will miss out on important things. What are some things that you worry about or think about too much?

We all worry about something. tell everyone about a mindfulness activity you use.


Can you check 5 things in your kitchen to see if they are expired for DAILY DOUBLE points. Show them to a friend and tell them if you think it's ok to eat.


How does it feel when someone rushes you? What does is feel like in your body? What can you do to help yourself?

Think about a time when someone rushed you. How do you feel? 

Now, try a mindfulness activity for 3 minutes. Focus on one thing like breathing or looking at something or listening to the sounds of your house, maybe even try drawing. Now how do you feel?



If you're not sure if a food is safe, its best to toss it out.

TRUE! If you eat rotten food , you can get food poisoning. If you're not sure about the food, do not eat it.


How does is feel when you are asked to try something new or different? Would you be willing to try a new drawing activity for bonus points?

Try this activity for extra points.


Doing this thing for a for less than 30 minutes everyday can improve health and help us live longer.

a) What is eating ice cream, french fries and diet soda.

b) What is stretching and exercising our bodies.

c.) What is watching tv shows

b) What is stretching and exercising our bodies.


What do you do to help yourself become more mindful or less stressed? 

Try one the exercises in the video and share with other people!