First Aid
On Site Hazards
Heat Hazards

What does "PPE" stand for?

What is"Personal Protective Equipment"?


Name at least 4 items that must be included in a first-aid kit.

What are Absorbent Compress, Adhesive bandages (variety), adhesive tape, antiseptic, burn treatment, CPR/Breathing Barrier, Hand sanitizer, non-latex medical exam gloves, safety glasses, sterile non-stick gauze pads, triangular bandages


When should a fall prevention/protection system be used?

What is 6 feet and when employees are working over dangerous equipment or machinery regardless of distance?


This is the term for reusing or repurposing waste materials instead of tossing them into the trash or a landfill.

What is Recycling?


Symptoms include headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness, irritability, heavy sweating, clammy skin, and elevated body temperature as a result of the body losing an excessive amount of fluids and salt from sweating.

What is "Heat Exhaustion"?


Acronym of government agency that regulates workplace safety.

What is "OSHA"?


How often do first aid kits need to be checked?

What is quarterly?


What two forms of PPE are required in all areas of the plant?

Safety Glasses & Safety Shoes


The infamous "hole" in the ozone layer, nearly nine million square miles in size, lies mostly over what continent?

Answer: Antarctica


Symptoms include mental confusion, loss of consciousness, muscle twitching, seizures, hot and dry skin, and elevated body temperature (>102° F).

What is "Heat Stroke"?


How often should you inspect your PPE to ensure it’s in good condition and functioning properly?

Before each use


Should you ever move an accident victim with serious injuries before help arrives?

Yes, if the victim is in immediate danger: for example, out of a river or in the path of a fire.


What is the name of the document that I can refer to to learn about the hazards associated with a particular chemical found in the workplace? (There are two acceptable answers).

MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) is now called an SDS (Safety Data Sheet).


In 1989, a ship hit a reef in the Prince William Sound and spilled more than 10 million gallons of crude oil over more than 1,000 miles of coastline. What was the famous, ill-fated two-word name of this ship?

Answer: Exxon Valdez


When working or playing outside, name 3 things that I need to practice to avoid heat hazards?

Drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol. Wear sunscreen. See if tasks can be scheduled to avoid midday heat. Wear a brimmed hat and loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing. Spend time in the shade or air-conditioned buildings during breaks.


True or False. There are two types of hard hats.

What is True. Type I and Type II


What precautions should be taken to prevent contamination from blood-borne pathogens?

What is gloves, safety glasses and CPR Barrier?


What is the name of the process for reviewing the potential risks of a task that I am planning to perform?

Take 60 Seconds to Think


Eventually ordered removed by Reagan, solar panels were installed on the White House roof in the 1970s by which president?

Answer: Jimmy Carter


This is the first stage of a heat injury.

What is "dehydration"?


At what decibel level should hearing protection be worn?

What is 85 decibels?


True or false: Any first-aid incidents that involve the presence of blood or other bodily fluids must be reported to your Supervisor or Human Resources before the end of the work shift.



What is the posted speed limit in the parking lot?

10 MPH


In which Japanese city, whose name is an anagram of Japan’s capital, was an international treaty signed in 1997 relating to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions?

Answer: Kyoto


What does the term "SPF" in sunblock products stand for?

Sun Protection Factor