Leading a Healthy Life
Skills for a Healthy Life
Self-Esteem and Mental Health
Managing Stress and Coping with Loss
Preventing Violence and Abuse
Diseases caused partly by unhealthy behaviors and partly by other factors.
What areLifestyle Diseases.
Tools for building a healthy life.
What are Life Skills.
Define Self-Esteem.
What is a measure of how much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself.
Your body’s and mind’s response to a demand made upon it.
What is Stress.
Physical or emotional harm.
What is Violence.
Anything that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other health problems.
What are Risk Factors.
A feeling that you should do something because that is what your friends want.
What is Peer Pressure.
The achievement of the best that a person can be.
What is Self-actualization.
Define Grieve.
What is to express sadness because of a loss.
Any unwanted remark, behavior or touch that has sexual content.
What is sexual Harassment.
Name two of the four influences on your wellness.
What are 1. Hereditary Influences 2. Social Influences 3. Cultural Influences 4. Environmental Influences
Name three of the twelve refusal skills.
1. Blame someone else. 2. Give a reason. 3. Ignore the request or the pressure. 4. Leave the situation. 5. Say, "no. thanks." 6. Say no, and mean it. 7. Keep saying no. 8. Make a joke out of it. 9. Make an excuse. 10. Suggest soemthing else to do. 11. Change the subject. 12. Team up with someone.
Name all three communication styles.
What are Passive, Aggressive, and Assertive.
List two ways from the book to manage your time.
What are 1. List and prioritize your projects 2. Know and set your limits 3. Make a schedule
Felling threatened, Unmanaged anger, Lack of respect, Bullying, and Gangs are all considered...
What are factors that lead to conflict between teens.
Name three of the six health risk behaviors.
What are 1. Sedentary lifestyle 2. Alcohol and other drug use 3. Sexual activity 4. Behaviors that cause injuries 5. Tobacco use 6. Poor eating habits
Name five of the ten life skills.
1. Assessing your health. 2. Communicating effectively. 3. Practicing wellness. 4. Coping. 5. Being a wise consumer. 6. Evaluating media messages. 7. Using community resources. 8. Making GREAT decisions. 9. Using refusal skills. 10. Setting goals.
Name three ways from the book to manage your emotions.
What are 1. Talk it out. 2. Blow off steam. 3. Be creative.
Feeling hopeless, Neglecting basic needs, Giving away personal things, taking more risks, and withdrawing from family and friends are all consider what.
What are warning signs for suicide.
Name three of the four types of abuse from the book.
What are 1. Child Abuse 2. Domestic Abuse 3. Elder Abuse 4. Hazing
Name the six components of health.
What are 1. Physical Health 2. Emotional Health 3. Social Health 4. Mental Health 5. Spiritual Health 6. Environmental Health
Name the steps to making a GREAT decision.
What is GIVE thought to the problem. REVIEW your choices. EVALUATE the consequence. ASSESS and choose the best choice. THINK it over afterward.
Voice volume, tone and pitch, "I" messages and "You" messages, and Empthy are all ways to improve this.
What is your speaking skills.
List all five stages of the grieving process.
What are 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance
List four ways to aviod dangerous situations from the book.
What are 1. Recognize the signs. 2. Calm things down. 3. Leave the situation. 4. Offer alternatives.