Financial Health and Wellness
Mental Health
Social Health and Wellness
Physical health and wellness

The place where Nursing students seek guidance and information about managing finances, scholarships, grants, and loans.

What is the Financial Aid office in the S building?


True or False:

Medication is the only treatment method that works for mental health problems



The aspect of overall well-being that stems from connection and community

What is Social Wellness?


These are a couple of way to have positive focus in the morning at school.

What is eating a healthy and full breakfast?


The term describes the state of an individual's personal monetary affairs, including savings, retirement planning, and expenditure on fixed expenses. 

What is financial health? 


The natural way to get in shape and increase feelings of happiness. 

What is exercise? 


These two good indicators are the best ways of checking if you have good social health  

What are vital interpersonal relationships and a strong support system? 


This is a way you can improve your math scores.

What is the quality of foods your eating?


This term describes the stability of an individual's financial state, considering the amount of money set aside for retirement and the proportion of income allocated to necessary expenses. 

What is financial wellness?


Mistakes can be used as an opportunity for learning and growth

What is used to improve self-esteem?


This is the percentage of college students that were diagnosed with an anxiety disorder from 2022-2023

A. 30%

B. 35.6%

C. 36%

D. 33.7%

What is C. 36%?


These vitamins improve focus in the classroom.

What is vitamin D3 and Vitamin B?


Nurses should aim to minimize this, including student loans, credit card debt, and other liabilities.

What is debt?


Therapeutic use of activities to decrease symptoms and increase function.

What is Occupational Therapy? 


The action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of another  

what is empathy?


This University studied 200 employees on the effects of working out before work.

What is Metropolitan University?


This provides financial protection for nurses against unforeseen events or medical emergencies, including health insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, and liability insurance.

What are insurance coverages?


Being present in the real world, having empathy and networking

What are some ways to help improve your social health and wellness?


This is one of the main things exercising does to your health. 

What is lowers blood pressure?