Will being more physically active help with muscle growth?
Yes, it also will make your way of thinking about it stronger
Are physical and emotional health is related?
Yes, physical and mental health will help make you grow
Is being on your phone too much is good?
Definitely not. Also for your eyes.
Is environmental wellness related to the climate?
True or False. Having a decent sleep schedule will help with overall wellness
What is physical health?
Being physically active. (eg.) Sports, runs, walks
What are the best things to do to start being more social?
Start conversations
Put effort into being around people
Will social interactions help social anxiety?
Of course
Will turning off the tap while brushing your teeth help the environment?
Yes, it will also help for financial reasons
True or False. Being on your phone will help with your overall social experiences
What are some bad side effects from staying up late?
Feeling groggy
Forgetting things
Being too tired
What is the 54321 method?
5 things you can see
4 things you can hear
3 things you can feel
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste
Is social anxiety a disability?
Yes, docters and others confirm that this is true.
How will paper straws help the climate?
When people litter, the plastic straws will fly away and get stuck on something, or animals might eat them.
True or False. Ignoring the problem will make it go away
Is eating is also related to physical health?
Yes, eating is physical, and it can also change strength
How will music sooth you?
Finding a type of music that calms you in based on yourself and your opinion. Some notes will amaze you in a soothing type of way.
When does you mood show off how social you want to be in that moment?
Being quiet or not playing apart of an event clearly states you are not comfortable, or not wanting to.
Will the environment change your overall wellness and mood?
Yes and no. The weather could perhaps change your mood, but it also wont help physical health.
True or False. Being physically active will help your mind and body