This is the suggested daily calorie intake for adults.
What is 1600-2400 for women and 2200-3000 for men?
How much time a person exercise a day.
What is 60 minutes a day?
Grapes drying for many days creates this food.
What are Raisins?
This practice involves writing down things you are thankful for daily.
What is gratitude?
This is also known as the Sunshine Vitamin.
What is Vitamin D? Fun fact, always wear sunscreen but spend 15 minutes in the sun a day to get your Vitamin D.
Name 4 types of Exercise!
Answers will vary.
This dip originated in the Middle East and is made of chickpeas and spices.
What is hummus?
This is process of bringing ones mind to focus on the current moment.
What is mindfulness?
This is the number of servings of vegetables you should eat a day.
What is at least 3 servings?
This is how many hours of sleep should get each night.
What is 7 to 9 hours?
This is how much of your plate should be fruits and vegetables.
What is 1/2 of my plate?
This is a feeling of being completely worn out and need rest?
What is burnout?
Half of your grains should come from this.
What is whole grains?
This type of exercise includes poses like downward dog and tree pose.
What is yoga?
This fruit is the most commonly consumed fruit around the world.
What is mango?
The earliest written records of this mindfulness practice are from 1500 BCE
What is meditation?
This vitamin often comes from fish or algae an helps with brain development.
What is Omega Three Fatty Acids?
Exercise that makes your heartbeat faster and makes you breath harder is called this.
What is aerobic activity?
When eaten fresh, this food is a summer vegetable. When it is dried, it is a grain.
What is Corn?
This relaxes your body, triggers endorphins, and may help you live longer (hint... tickle tickle)...
What is laughter?