Skills for a healthy life
Mental Disorders
Mental health
What is something that you work toward and hope to achieve? a.life skill b.resource c. goal d.consumer
c. goal
Which of these examples are not direct pressure: a. you start using phrases or slogans from your favorite tv show. b. some kids call you a wimp because you won't tryout for the school play. c. Your sister threatens to tell on you for failing your math test if you tell on her for getting detention. d. your too tired to go to the party, but your friend says that a lot of cool people will be there.
a. You start using phrases or slogans from your favorite tv show.
difficulty concentrating and following instructions; impulsive and hyperactive
Symptoms of a mental disorder include all of the following except: a. too much or too little sleep b. feeling very sad for three days after a pet dies c. extreme anxiety or irrational fear d. changes in personality
b. feeling very sad for three days after a pet dies
This is an unconscious thought or behavior used to avoid experiencing unpleasant emotions a. guilt b. defense mechanism c. self actualization d. emotion
b. defense mechanism
This is a result of your actions and decisions a. goal b. consequence c. life skill d. resource
b. consequence
Which is not an example of a refusal skill? a. go along with the idea but don't participate b. ignore the request or the pressure c. make a joke out of it d. give a reason
a. go along with the idea but don't participate
false perceptions of reality; hallucinations and delusions
Which is a type of direct pressure a. role models b. popular people c. famous people d. threats
d. threats
Having a friend help you reenact a situation in which you lost your temper with someone is a way to: a. improve your self-esteem b. improve your body language c. practice expressing emotions in a positive way d. identify the limitations of defense mechanisms
c. practice expressing emotions in a positive way
This is a person who buys products or services
What is a consumer
Which is an example of a short-term goal: a. deciding whether to study that evening b. traveling to Australia next summer c. deciding which colleges to submit applications to d. planning a birthday party for your grandma next year
a. deciding whether to study that evening
Repeated, disturbing, and unwanted thoughts and ritual behaviors
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Which step is not part of the process for correcting a problem that resulted from a poor decision: a. stop and admit you made a poor decision b. think about who can discuss the situation with you c. wait and dont do anything about it right away d. go and correct the situation
c. wait and don't do anything about it right away
A mental disorder can be caused by what 4 factors?
Physical Heredity Early experiences Recent experiences
A strategy to avoid doing something you don't want to do is: a. consumer b. consequence c. goal d. refusal skill
d. refusal skill
When you make an action plan you should include: a. rewards b. a way to track your progress c. both a and b d. neither a nor b
c. both a and b
excessive or persistent fear of something that may or may not cause real danger
What does collaborate mean and give an example.
collaborate - to work together with one or more people sport teams family meeting group presentation etc
Emotions sometimes overwhelm us, so its useful to know how to manage them. Name three suggestions to manage your emotions.
Talk it out Blow off steam Be creative
This is a tool for building a healthy life a. life skill b. resource c. goal d. consequence AND name one of them
a. life skill assessing your health communicating effectively practicing wellness coping being a wise consumer evaulating media messages using community resources making great decisions using refusal skills setting goals
What does SMART stand for in SMART goals?
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely
a belief of illness when none is present
Name the five stages of Maslow's Hierarchy
Physical stage Safety stage Social stage Esteem stage Self-actualization
Name 4 characteristics of mentally healthy people
They have a sense of control They have the ability to endure failures and frustrations They have the ability to see events positively They have the ability to express emotions in a healthy way