Grading Pulses
1+: weak or thready
2+: normal
3+: increased, full, bounding
glandular tissue
-found in breast
-produces milk
-contains lobes, ducts, and sinuses
-supplying oxygen to body for energy production
-removing carbon dioxide as a waste product
-maintaining homeostasis (acid-base balance)
-maintaining heat exchange
What is Function of the Lungs?
-inner layer of skin
-stores fat for energy production
-provides insulation for temperature control
-gives cushioning effect
What is subcutaneous layer/adipose tissue?
conduction pattern
1) SA node
2) AV node
3) bundle of His
4) purkinje fibers
-high force and pressure
-bring oxygenated blood from heart to cells
-ex: temporal, carotid, brachial, ulnar, radial, femoral
What are Arteries?
· breast changes begin around 2nd month
· areolas+ nipples darken Increase in size
· Colostrum precedes milk production
· milk begins 1-3 days post delivery
Developmental Changes- Pregnancy
vertebra prominens (C7), spinous process (T1), inferior angle of scapula (7th to 8th rib), and 12th rib
posterior thoracic landmarks
red, swollen, tender inflammation of nail folds
5th intercostal space, left sternal border
what is tricuspid valve auscultation?
5 P's of neuromuscular assessment
-pain: due to lack of bloodflow
-pulse: absent or diminished
-pallor (or cyanosis)
-paresthesia: won't feel sharpness
-paralysis: cannot move feet/toes
-round, firm, soft, rubbery masses
-usually modularity is bilateral
-well demarcated
-multiple, mobile, tender combination of cysts and fibroadenomas
-can increase of decrease in size with menses
-usually benign
-usually develops around ages 30-55, decreases after menopause
what is benign breast diseases?
anterior thoracic landmarks
suprasternal notch, sternum, second rib, manubriosternal angle, and costal angle
-autoimmune disorder that attacks the hair follicles
-causes well-defined bald areas on the scalp or elsewhere on the body
What is alopecia areata?
heart sounds to auscultate
-aortic valve
-pulmonic valve
-erb's point
-tricuspid valve
-mitral valve
-caused by atherosclerosis
-changes size and lining of vessel wall
-risk factors include obesity, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and sedentary lifestyle
What is Occlusions?
adipose tissue (of breast)
-makes up the majority of the breast
-has lobes embedded
-the amount is your cup size
-amount and ratios depend on age, pregnancy, menstrual cycle, and nutrition status
-discontinuous lung sound
-low-pitched bubbling/gurgling sound present on inspiration and expiration
-not clear with coughing
-sounds like velcro ripping
-ex: PNA, terminally ill with depressed cough reflex
what are coarse crackles?
-blue discoloration of skin
-indicates a respiratory or cardiac oxygenation issue
-normally bilateral
what is central cyanosis?
-second heart sound, "dub"
-occurs with the closure of the semilunar valves
-signals end of systole
-aortic component slightly precedes pulmonic component
-heard loudest at base
-narrowing of major arteries that supply blood to the lower extremities
-associated with several genes interacting with themselves and the environment
-smoking is strongest risk factor
-ABI is the best screening tool and is noninvasive
What is peripheral arterial disease?
montgomery glands
-sebaceous glands in areola
-lubricate nipple during lactation
fine crackles (rales)
-discontinuous lung sound
-high pitched popping sounds during inspiration
-not cleared with coughing
-sounds like when your old hair near your ears
-ex: PNA, chronic pulmonary diseases
-secondary skin lesion below the skin surface
-breakdown of skin
-red, raw, sore
-ex: diaper rash
what is excoriation?
-inflammation of the heart muscle
-from autoimmune disease or virus