Denuncia, Secreto medico
Que es denuncia?
Notificación que se hace a la autoridad de que se ha cometido un delito o de que alguien es el autor de un delito.
Identify breaths during lung auscultation.
What are tracheal, bronchial, broncho-vesicular, vesicular
Name the four valves auscultated during a cardiovascular assessment.
What is Aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid and mitral
Where does the GI tract begin and where does it end.
What are mouth and anus.
What S & S that can initiate stress incontinence
What are laughing, crying, excessive coughing, jumping, sneezing
Fixed and dilated pupils are indicative of what condition(s)?
What is ICP, Anoxia & Ischemia
Identify abnormal breath sounds auscultated in the bronchial lung field.
What is Rhonchi, Sonorous Rhonchi, Wheezing
Identify the area you would most likely find a heart murmur.
What is the aortic area.
When performing the GI assessment what is the correct order of IPPA
What is IAPP(percussion)
Confirmation of test(s) used for diagnosing BPH
What are digital rectal exam and PSA
Cual es el máximo de pena privativa de libertad impuesta si un medico ( en ejercicio de su profesión ) revela un secreto que puede causar daño a otra persona?
Pena privativa de libertad hasta 1 año
During auscultation of the lungs, what are the number of anterior landmarks and posterior landmarks
What is 10 anterior landmarks and 18 posterior landmarks
List the anatomical area you would most likely find a trill or bruit during auscultation.
What is Erb point ( 3rd intercostal space, left sternal border)
Anatomically what is the correct order of auscultating BS
What is ascending, transverse and descending colon.
Abnormal urine color can be an indicator of what condition(s).
What are dehydration, medication, food, pathological jaundice
Por obra de quien nace la disciplina de la BIOETICA ?
Por obra de VAN RENSSELAER POTTER bioquimico oncologo de la universidad de Wisconsin
During palpation of the upper thorax the nursed subcutaneous crepitation was discovered. Identify the condition.
What is subcutaneous emphysema
Name the peripheral pulses in the upper and lower extremities.
Temporal, carotid, brachial, radial, ulnar, femoral, popliteal, posterior tibialis, dorsalis pedis
What are abnormal BS and how long should you auscultate each quadrant
What are hyperactive/borborygmi, hypoactive, absent and 5 minutes is required to auscultate each quadrant.
What precautionary measures is important to maintain safety of pt when performing hygiene care to a uncircumcised male.
What is ensuing the foreskin of the penis is not retracted over the urinary external meatus.
En que articulo se encuentra redactada la OMISIÓN DE DENUNCIA POR PARTE DE UN PROFESIONAL y cuanto es el máximo de pena si se produce esta acción?
Se encuentra en el articulo 276 del COIP y el maximo de pena es privacion de la libertad de dos a seis meses.
What are the classic signs of respiratory distress in a child.
What is sternal retraction, circumoral cyanosis, bilateral nasal flaring
What are the normal grading of peripheral pulses
What are D=dopppler or A=0; thread=1; weak=2; normal=3; bounding=4
Identify the 9 abdominal quadrants
What are rt and lt hypochondriac, epigastric Rt and lt lumbar, umbilical Rt and lt iliac and hypogastric
What non-invasive intervention would you perform in someone who has a c-Section and has not voided since the foley catheter has been removed, 6 hrs ago.
What are ambulation, providing privacy, run tap water, pouring luke warm water in the perineal area, placing fingers or hands in luke warm water.