Legal Responsibilities and PT
Types of Laws/Law Terms
Managed Care Organizations

The typical age when citizens can begin receiving health coverage under Medicare

What is 65 years old?


Individuals who qualify for Medicaid benefits are part of this socioeconomic group. (i.e high income or upper class.)

What is Low-income families?


The type of liability that requires a clinician to know the laws that apply to him and his workplace and the person's individual responsibility for following them.

 What is primary liability?


The branch of the law that deals with offenses against society.

What is criminal law?


Provides healthcare coverage through a limited number of physicians, hospitals, and other providers that have a contract with the agency. 

What is an HMO?


The coverage under Medicare part A.

What is Hospital coverage (hospital stay, care in skilled nursing home, hospice care, some home health care)


At least 5 years of legal residency.

What is the amount years an immigrant must live in the US to receive Medicaid services?


A supervisor (or employer) is legally and financially responsible for the actions of those he supervises.

What is vicarious liability?


Laws that relate to private offenses, one individual against another.

What is civil law?


A subscription-based MCO that gives members the option of choosing preferred providers from a list of contracted physicians or agencies that provide medical services.

What is a PPO?


This part of Medicare that covers prescription drug costs.

What is Medicare part D?


An example of medical expense covered by Medicaid?

What are doctor/hospital visits?


When someone is suspected of having knowingly misrepresented the truth or concealed facts to the detriment of another.

What is fraud?


Civil court actions, especially those having to do with healthcare malpractice, and personal injury.

What is tort law?


An organization that combines characteristics of an HMO and a PPO. 

What is a POS?


One reason someone younger than 65 years old may be covered under Medicare

What is End-Stage Renal Disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease


Another example of medical expenses covered by Medicaid.

What are medications, vision, and dental care, Medicare premiums, home health services, mental health care, most medically necessary services for children, long term care?


 Any sexual contact, sexual assault, or sexual battery between a patient and a healthcare provider.

What is sexual misconduct?


Failing to perform at a minimally acceptable level established to protect the public.

What is negligence?


The individual is at the center of the medical process, while the “medical team” interacts and communicates to care for the patient.

What is a Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) program?