Education Pathway
Whose job is it?

What is a community college?

  • Typically, a community college aims to offer affordable and accessible two-year degree programs. 

  • Usually, this type of program results in an associate degree.

  • Community college programs can help students develop technical skills for their careers or complete core coursework before transferring to four-year degree programs

  • You can earn professional or trade certifications through these programs to pursue specific career paths.


What is the pathway you have to complete to become a nurse?

Degree: Associate's (2-3 years of college) or Bachelor's (4 years of college - BSN)

License: NCLEX exam to get RN license

Some people might be a CNA or LPN first before or while getting their degree!


What is tuition?

The amount of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university.


What is a resume?

A document created and used by a person to present their background, skills, and accomplishments.


What is a bachelor's degree?

A degree you get when you complete college or university. This is typically a four-year program. It can be bachelor's of science, bachelor's of arts, bachelor's of nursing, etc. Sometimes a bachelor's degree is required before applying for higher degree programs, such as medical school, physician assistant, masters.


What is the pathway you have to complete to become a doctor?

Degrees: Bachelor's degree (4 years of college) in anything, but need certain "pre-med" classes, Medical school degree (4 years, MD or DO)

Some people might work a different job in healthcare (ex. nurse, phlebotomist, medical assistant) or even a job outside of healthcare before deciding to go to med school!

Further Training: Residency (3-8 years, in a specific specialty), Fellowship (1-3 years, even more specific specialty)

License: Board exams after med school and after further training, State license


What is in-state tuition?

In-state tuition: less cost for education in the state you live in. Public or state-funded school offer this option. If you are from Ohio, it will cost less to go to Ohio State University than Michigan State University. 


What is a mentor?

A mentor is a person who can support, advise, and guide you. They typically take the time to get to know you and the challenges you’re facing and then use their personal experience to help you achieve your personal goals.


Where do you live when you are in college/university?

Community colleges offer various options: including part-time, full-time, and hybrid enrollment (options for for online classes). So you may live off-campus or at home with your family. 

Universities traditionally offer on-campus housing. Most university students enroll full-time. 


What is the pathway you have to complete to become a nurse practitioner?

Must be a nurse first!

Degree: Must have Bachelor's (4 years of college - BSN)

License: NCLEX exam to get RN license

Requirements vary, but often work as a nurse first then go back to school!

Next Degree: With BSN and RN, can apply for a nurse practitioner program (2-4 years of graduate school, Masters or Doctoral degree)

Next License: Must pass board exams

Further Training: Can also get training and work in a specific specialty!


What is the average yearly cost of in-state tuition in Ohio?



In addition to good grades, what are important things you need to get into college? Name 2 items.

- extracurricular activities

- volunteer activities

- good standardized testing scores (ACT/SAT)

- good letters of recommendation

- good essay


What are the admission requirements for University (name at least 3)?

  • Minimum high school GPA, such as a 2.5

  •  Scores on required standardized tests

  • Letters of recommendation

  • Essays or personal statements


What is the pathway you have to complete to become a phlebotomist?

Program: Complete an accredited phlebotomy program completion (2-8 months depending on program, might need to have already taken certain classes for shorter programs, offered at a lot of community colleges!)

Certification: Most places will want you to have a certification to hire you. Going to an accredited program will allow you to get certified! Usually you have to pass an exam too.


Do only straight-A students get scholarships?


There are two type of scholarships: need-based and merit based. 

Need-based: based on financial circumstances.

Merit-based: based on academic performance, extracurricular activities. 


Who can you go to for help with applying to college or jobs?

Guidance Counseler

Teachers or other leaders at your school

Admissions office at the school / Recruitment office at a job

Career Fairs 

Other students who have been through the process


Do you have to get accepted to college/university right after high school? 


You can go to college or university at any time as long as you meet their admission requirements. That means you can work, travel, join the military, or just take time to decide what you like in life before you apply. Some people work in one career and then go back to college to pursue their passion. 


What is the pathway you have to complete to become a physician assistant?

Degrees: Bachelor's degree (4 years of college) in anything, but need certain science classes

Often need a lot of healthcare/patient care experience before getting into PA school! Might work as paramedic, medical technician, medical assistant, surgical assistant, physical therapy aide, or phlebotomist. Most programs require 1,000 hours of experience!

Next Degree: Physician Assistant Program (2-3 years, Masters degree)

License: Board exam after PA school for credentials (PA-C)

Further Training: Might do training in a specific specialty!


Name 3 of the 4 types of financial aid available for college/university?

Grants: Free money! Based on you and your family situation. 

Scholarships: Free money based on requirements or accomplishments.

Loans: Must be repaid. Different types, some good and some too expensive

Work-Study: career-related work set up by college. Hold a job while you are in school. 


What is in a resume?

Name at least 4 items

A typical résumé contains a summary of:  

- job experience

- education

- skills

- your email, phone, fax, or address. (how can they hire you if they can't reach you!)

- Certifications

- languages spoken

- volunteer experience