Becoming Health Literate
Your Health Triangle
Influences On Your Health
Fill In The Blank

The definition of health

What is the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being?


A health literate individual needs to be...

What is, a critical thinker and problem solver, a responsible and productive citizen, a self-directed learner, and an effective communicator?


The three elements of health that make up the health triangle

What is physical health, mental/emotional health, and social health?



List 3 of the important influences on health

What is heredity, environment, media, technology, values, culture, attitude, and behavior?


____ _________ are actions that can potentially threaten you health or the health of others.

What are risk behaviors?


The definition of wellness

What is an overall state of well-being, or total health?


An effective communicator is...

What is, someone who is able to express his or her health knowledge in a variety of ways?


It is important to keep your health triangle balanced because...

An unbalanced triangle could lead to you having problems with your health.



How does behavior influence your health?

Your behavior can reduce your risk of developing diseases and health problems by practicing healthy habits and engaging in physical activity.



__________ _____ may result from from combinations of risk factors

What are cumulative risks?


The definition of prevention

What is practising health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury?


A critical thinker and problem solver is...

What is, a person who can evaluate health information before making a decision and who knows how to make responsible, healthy choices?


List 3 of the factors that effect your physical health

What is getting adequate sleep, eating nutritious foods, drinking plenty of water, being physically active on a regular basis, practicing good hygiene, and avoiding harmful substances?



How does media influence health?

The media contains lots of information about health that can be helpful or harmful. Some sources could contain really helpful and reliable information about topics such as loosing weight and eating healthy while other media resources may contain tons of false information that could end up harming your health. The media can also tend to create false and unrealistic views of what a healthy person should look like and how they should behave. 



The goal of ______ _________ is to give people the tools they need to help them live long, energetic, and productive lives.

What is health education?


The definition of heredity

What is all the traits that were biologically passed on to you from your parents?


A responsible, productive citizen is...

What is, someone who acts in a way that promotes the health of the community and who chooses safe, healthful, and legal behaviors that are consistent with family guidelines and that show respect for the individual and others?


List 3 of the factors that are part of your mental health

What is your feelings towards yourself, how well you meet demands of daily life, ability to process information, learning new things, viewing mistakes as learning opportunities, and accepting responsibility for your actions?



How does technology influence your health?

Advances in technology such as screenings and treatments have helped many people to live longer healthier lives. Technology has also replaced many physical activities such as walking to your destination or going outside for entertainment, causing more people to become less active.



The only way to avoid the consequences of some of the most serious risk behaviors is to practice __________

What is abstinence?



The definition of health literacy

What is a person's capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services and use these resources to promote his or her health and wellness?


A self-directed learner is...

What is, someone who has developed evaluation criteria such as, is the information accurate, reliable, and current, when it comes to health information?


List 3 of the factors that are part of your social health

What is your ability to make and keep friends, working/playing and cooperating with others, seeking and lending support, communicating, and respecting yourself as well as others?



How does heredity influence your health?

Heredity is responsible for you inheriting certain genes that could put you at risk for certain illnesses, strengthen your resistance to disease, or influence your basic talents and abilities.



The ______ _________ shows that your health can be measured on a sliding scale, with many degrees of health and wellness

What is health continuum?