Health Skills Vocab
Stress and Goals
Health-Literate Consumer Vocab
Other Vocab
Key Concepts

Specific tools and strategies to maintain, protect, and improve all aspects of your health

What are health skills?


The reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands

What is stress?


Someone who purchases or uses health products or services

What is a health consumer?


The ideas, beliefs, and attitudes about what is important that help guide the way you live

What are values?


Sofia is angry that Alisa interrupts her... If Sofia says, "I'm upset because my ideas are not being heard," she is using this strategy we read about...

What is an "I" statement?


The exchange of thoughts, feelings and beliefs between two or more people that helps to build strong relationships with others

What is interpersonal communication?


Skills that help you reduce and manage stress in your life

What are stress management skills?


Although it can provide useful information, its main purpose is to get you to buy a product

What is advertising?

A failure by a health professional to meet accepted standards

What is malpractice?


A written statement of your goal and the steps you will take to accomplish it are aspects of an...

What is an action plan?


Saying no firmly, respectfully, and effectively

What are refusal skills?


Things you aim for that take planning and work

What are goals?


Helps consumers choose the most useful products and get the best value for your money by focusing on the pros and cons of multiple products and making the best choice for them

What is comparison shopping?


A multistep strategy to identify and achieve your goals that will help you identify the criteria for your goal

What is an action plan?


If you buy a product and are not satisfied with it, you should see if the product came with a...

What is a warranty?


The process of ending an argument or fight through cooperation and problem solving

What is conflict resolution?


A goal that you can reach in a short period of time

What is a short-term goal?


A company's or store's written agreement to repair a product or refund your money if the product doesn't function properly

What is a warranty?


People or groups whose sole purpose is to take on regional, national, and even international consumer issues (such as a group called Consumer Reports)

What are consumer advocates?


Steps that enable you to make healthy choices... Includes listing options and weighing possible outcomes

What are decision-making skills?


Taking action to influence others to address a health-related concern or to support a health-related belief

What is advocacy?


A goal that you plan to reach over an extended period of time

What is a long-term goal?


This hidden message in advertising entices consumers to buy a product by displaying it in an expensive home or using a celebrity spokesperson

What is the "rich and famous" hidden message?


The sale of worthless products or services that claim to prevent disease or cure other health problems

What is health fraud?


The acronym S.M.A.R.T. stands for...

What is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely?