Name a food in the protein group
Chicken, beef, pork, beans, eggs, nuts
Sleep helps improve brain function: T/F
How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
What organ is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body?
How many minutes of exercise should you get each day?
What food group does yogurt belong to?
What is a healthy tool for falling asleep?
Drink tea, read a book, meditate, avoid caffeine
What does flossing do for you?
removes plaque to help protect against bacteria, keeps gums healthy, helps prevent cavities
What body system is responsible for using and getting rid of the food we eat?
Digestive system
What is an average resting heart rate?
60-100 BPM
When reading the ingredients list on food labels what does the first ingredient listed signify?
The most abundant ingredient
How many hours of sleep should someone of your age get each night?A.) 4-6 3.)8-10 c.)12-15
B.) 8-10
How long should you wash your hands with soap and water for?
20 seconds, sing happy birthday, sing ABCs
What is the longest/ strongest bone in the body?
What are three healthy ways to reduce stress?
Read, walk, exercise, talk to friend/family, sleep, meditate, aromatherapy, therapy
How many cups of fruit should a person include in their diet each day?
2 cups
On average, how long does it take for someone to fall asleep?
10-20 minutes
What are 3 ways to prevent the spread of colds?
Cover your mouth when coughing/sneezing, wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, avoid touching eyes/nose/mouth, avoid contact with people who are sick
What two body systems are responsible for voluntary movement of our bodies
Muscular system and skeletal system
Where should a person go if they are experiencing a fever? A.) ER B.)School C.) Clinic
C.) clinic
DO NOT GO TO SCHOOL (may be treated on own at home depending on severity)
A fever is classified as a temp of 100.4 or higher
Name 1 food that contains vitamin C?
citrus fruits: oranges, grape fruit
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, tomato
What is the natural hormone in our body that helps us sleep?
The production and release of melatonin in the brain is connected to time of day, increasing when it's dark and decreasing when it's light. Melatonin production declines with age.
Microscopic organisms not visible with the naked eye that can cause sickness and diseases are called?
Bacteria (note- there are also good bacteria that protect against bad bacteria)
What part of the brain controls memory?
Hippocampus- located in temporal lobe
What are the three components of health.
Mental and emotional health, social health, and physical health.