Youth/Young Professionals
Wild Card
Health Equity

ACS has a myriad of Youth Sports Initiatives for middle school, high school, and college students. One of those is called Red Card Cancer. What sport is that program engage?



The American Cancer Society strives to make cancer treatment accessible to ALL patients. Name 2 patient support programs/services that are available to make treatment accessible?

24/7 Cancer Helpline, Hope Lodge, Road to Recovery, Cancer Survivors Network, & Navigation Support, etc.


Equity is not the same as equality. What is the difference between Equity and Equality?

Equality is providing everyone with the same tools and resources. Equity is providing tools and resources based on needs that allow everyone the opportunity to be as healthy as possible.


The Schools vs. Cancer Elementary program teaches fun & engaging activities with educational programming. Which is NOT one of those focuses?

-alcohol awareness

-physical activity

-sun safety

-tobacco prevention

Alcohol Awareness


Across the country, many states participate in Campus Relay for Life. How many states participate?

42 out of 50 including Puerto Rico and DC


Cancer is a disease that can affect anyone, but it doesn’t affect everyone equally. Many barriers can impact a person's ability to prevent, find, treat, and survive cancer. These barriers are because of deeply rooted, long-standing inequities at all levels of society that will take an intentional effort to address in order to have equal cancer outcomes.  They are complex and have many social, economic, and cultural influences that intertwine and impact each other. What are two examples of inequalities?

  • Racism and other forms of discrimination
  • Poverty
  • Limited access to the health care system, including affordable and adequate insurance coverage and access to high-quality health care
  • Inadequate pay and lack of paid time off from work for medical care- Low-quality education 
  • Lack of access to healthy and affordable foods- Lack of transportation that is accessible, affordable, and reliable-
  • Lack of safe, stable, and affordable housing

Middle schools, high schools and colleges looking to support the mission of the American Cancer Society can officially become an ACS On Campus chapter. ACS On Campus chapters engage students and student bodies across the country at all levels and focuses on the four focus areas. Name one of their 4 focus areas?

Answer: Advocacy, Discovery, Patient Support and Fundraising.


Schools vs Cancer brings education and community service to classrooms in a fun and exciting way. Students will learn about cancer, steps they can take to reduce their risk of developing the disease and tips to stay healthy. What age group does this program target?

Elementary & Middle School Age


What is the name of the cohort study led by the American Cancer Society that launched in May 2024?

Voices of Black Women


The American Cancer Society Schools vs. Cancer program helps children and their families start on a lifelong path to healthier living. The program educates students over how to reduce their chance of getting cancer through: healthy eating, sun safety, physical activity, and tobacco prevention. Educational materials and resources will be provided that align with your school’s existing curricula while also introducing the topic of cancer in a youth friendly way. Besides education, what benefits can the schools receive for enrolling?

Schools enrolled in Schools vs. Cancer can receive grants based on their fundraising total to use on items the school may need, for example new gym equipment, sun safety area outside, sunscreen stations, student incentives, etc.

Raise $1,000-$2,499, receive 10% back as a grant 

Raise $2,500-$4,999, receive 15% back as a grant

Raise $5,000+ receive 20% back as a grant


80% of what influences a person's health are non-medical issues. What is NOT an example of a non-medical factor?

-social environment


-financial stability

-tobacco usage

Tobacco Usage


In order to further reduce deaths due to cancer disparities, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has strengthened its organizational commitment to advance health equity through its work on three levels. What are the three levels? Answer: 

Local, State and National


What is the name of this super easy fundraising campaign meant for students & young professionals where you pick a a week and ask a different restaurant each day to donate a percentage of sales to help "86" cancer? 

-stick a fork in cancer

-eat up cancer

-fork u cancer

-serving up cancer

Stick a fork in Cancer


What is the date of Nitisha's birthday? 

September 27th


What is one thing that ACS encourages us as staff to do on the journey to achieving health equity?

-know your local data

-listen to the stories of people in your community

-collaborate with other sectors

-share what you've learned

-continue to learn & be teachable