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How do we catch Infections? >:(
-Direct contact (Person to person) -Indirect contact (Person to object contact) -Autoinnocollate (one part of our body to another) -Food borne (Ecoli) -Animal and insects (West nile) -Water bourn (e coli and parasites)
What are healthy classroom rewards?
-Healthy classroom rewards are rewards that do not include food! -Food rewards can be an easy way to bring about an immediate behaviour change in students. -If rewards with poor nutritional value are used in schools then students receive mixed messages about healthy eating. -Consider using non-food rewards.
HEALTHY CHOICES FOR SCHOOL FUNDRAISING What is is? What are some benefits?
-Raising money by using only foods with maximum or moderate nutritional value and/or non-food items. Benefits? -Encourages and role models healthy habits -Reinforces the classroom healthy eating education -Makes money for the school! -Links to the whole school approach to creating a healthy school nurtiona environment. -Shows parents and the local community that eh school takes the health of their students seriously
What are the 5 c's of stress coping?
Control Commitment Challenge Choices Conectiveness
What are some symptoms of oral cancer?
-Red or white velvety patches that will not rub off. -Sores or swelling that last longer than 2 weeks! -Difficulty chewing or swallowing -Numbness or pain
What are "Risk Factors"(Definitions)?
Risk factors: Are conditions and behaviors that increase the likelihood of developing the chronic disease.
What are some benefits of non-food rewards?
-Reduces the chance of contributing to health promotion in children -helps children develop healthy relationships with food where they eat only in response to hunger cues and not for an emotional reward. -Protects children’s dental health -Creates healthy school nutrition environment -Shows the parents and local community that the school takes the health of its students seriously.
What are some tips for a healthy school fundraiser?
Tips! -Collect donated items for a garage sale or hold a penny sale -Silent auction -Produce and sell school calendar -Ask for donations and raffle them off! -Charge a small admission fee and have a dance. -Keep your community involved and motivated in your fundraiser, advertise in the school newsletter.
what are some things to prevent tooth decay and gum disease?
-Floss your teeth once a day -Brush your teeth twice a day -Brush your teeth twice a day -Eat a nutritious and balanced meal -Use fluoride -Visit your dental professional
what are some Habits that increase the risk of oral cancer?
-Use of tobacco -Excessive use of alcohol -Excessive time spent out in the sun
What is Type 1 Diabetes? Type 2?
Type 1 diabetes: Pancreas not working, not producing insulin -Treatment, insulin, nutrition, and exercise Type 2 diabetes: Pancreas still working but unable to make enough insulin. -Treatment, regulate blood sugar levels, nutrition and exercise.
What are some ideas for non-food rewards?
Ideas for non-food rewards! *Sit by their friend *Read outdoors *Enjoy class outdoors *Have extra recess *Be first in line for the day *Make deliveries to the office *Walk with teacher during lunch *Be a helper in another classroom *Dance to favourite music in the classroom *Choose an activity for physical education *Have teacher read a special book to the class *Invite a friend to the classroom for lunch
What are OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER when it comes to having a healthy school nutrition?
Food Preparation How the food is prepared also affects the nutritional value. Variety No one food provides all of the nutrients for good health, so choose a variety of foods for your school. Allergies If you have a student with a life-threatening food allergy, check with your school for guidelines or policies regarding food allergies. Portion Size The Nutrition Facts panel on food labels include the portion size as given by the manufacturer.
What are some signs of gum disease?
-Red puffy, shiny or tender gums -Gums that bleed -Gums that have been pulled away from your teeth -Persistent bad breath -Pus between gums and teeth -Unpleasant taste -Loose or shifting teeth
Chronic disease share common risk factors..what are they??
Chronic disease share common risk factors: -Over weight -Unhealthy diet -Physical inactivity -High blood pressure -Tobacco use -Cholesterol *Chronic diseases are the most preventable!
What is a healthy school nutrition environment?
-This is when a school promotes healthy eating through words and actions. -Students get the same message about food, nutrition, and healthy eating wherever food is served-in the classroom and at home.
The K-12 goals are broad statements identifying what students are expected to know and be able to do upon completion of study in a particular subject. The three K-12 goals of health education are:
• Develop the understanding, skills, and confidences necessary to take action to improve health. • Make informed decisions based on health-related knowledge. • Apply decisions that will improve personal health and/or the health of others.
Why is dental health an important part of overall health?
Oral disease still remain among the most common of all chronic health conditions. New research is finding that a healthy mouth leads to a healthier body!
What are some negatives about having unhealthy food in the classroom?
-Food is commonly used, easy and inexpensive way to reward students for good behaviour and classroom success…with many negative consequences such as: -Contradicting the classroom nutrition lessons -Eating food high in fat, sugar, and salt instead of healthy foods -Giving students sugary foods when they cant brush their teeth to prevent dental carries -Making it hard for children to learn to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are satisfied, which could encourage over eating. -Fostering a preference for sweet foods, making it tricky to get children to eat foods that don’t taste sweet, like vegetables, plain milk and unsweetened cereal.
The following 9 elements are recommended for a school to have a healthy nutrition environment:
1. Does you school offer healthy, reasonably priced and culturally appropriate food choices? (milk program, non-food rewards, healthy truck stop, special food days) 2. Do parents, teachers, and volunteers role model healthy eating and body image at school? 3. Does you school have a student nutrition program (Breakfast, snack, and lunch?) 4. Does your school practise safe food practices and have an allergy safe environment? 5. Are nutrition breaks at school appropriately scheduled? 6.Does your school have a food and nutrition policy? 7. Do teachers participate in professional development on nutrition? 8. Do teachers have up to date nutrition resources to support the healthy eating expectations in the curriculum? 9. Does your school provide student, parent and community education about healthy eating?
What are the 3 stages of ASSIST?
Connecting: Person at risk: Invitations and Suicide Caregiver: Ask and explore Understanding: Reasons and Risk Person at risk: Reasons and Risk Caregiver: Listen and review Assisting: Safe plan and commitments Person at risk: Safe plan and commitment Caregiver: Contact and follow-up
What is oral cancer?
It is one of the easiest cancers to detect, but frequently goes unnoticed in its early stages when it is curable. pain is rarely one of the early symptoms.