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What is Health?
Lack of disease, state of being, and static state
1. Accessible nutritious foods 2. Active communities 3. Decrease substance use and abuse 4. Improve mental well being. * These are all interrelated
Transtheoretical model The stage of readiness to change is determined by:
* The individual’s particular circumstances in life. * The individuals system of logic that allows him/her to explain away their behavior * Self efficiency (believe that you can make a change)
What are some reasons why we need a Comrehesive school health approach?
Healthy students are better learners. In the classroom CSH facilitates improved academic achievement and can lead to fewer behavioral problems. It helps students develop the skills they need to be physically and emotionally healthy for life. -Recognizes that healthy young people learn better and achieve more -Understands that schools can directly influence students health and behaviors. -Encourages healthy lifestyle choices and promotes students health and well being -Incorporates health into all aspects of school and learning -Links health and education issues and systems -Needs the participation and support of families and the community at large.
What are some strategies to help with Stress?
-Progressive relaxation -Visualization or guided imagery -Meditation -Mindfulness -Biofeedback
What is wellness?
Self-responsibility, lifestyle choices, life long adventure, dynamic state, self-control, good health, state of well-being.
Health Promotion Aims to impact on the determinant of..._______,________,_______,relationships with ________and ________.
health income education environment relationships with family and friends.
Transtheoretical model! Behavior change theory: 5 stages of change
1. Pre-contemplation: Not intending to make change 2. Contemplative: Considering a change 3. Preparation: Making small changes or ready to change in the near future 4. Action: Actively engaging in the new behavior 5. Maintenance: Sticking with the behavior change.
What is STRESS?
as an external force that causes a person to become tense or upset, as the internal state of arousal and as the physical response of the body to various demands. “The non specific response of the body to any demand made upon it” In the other words the body reacts to stressors-the things that upset or excite us-in the same way, regardless of weather they are positive or negative.
What are some things that need to happen for disease to occu?
-The host must be susceptible weakened immune systems -An agent must be present to transmit the disease -The environment must be hostile to the pathogen. (Right temp and moisture)
Definition of health according to WHO (World Health Organization)
“not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” Definition of health continued to broaden as we moved from measuring out nations health status only by morbidity (disease) and morality (death) rates to viewing health as a part of everyday living.
What are the 3 stages of Health promotion continuum?
Primary prevention: Aimed at people who are well but may be at risk Secondary prevention: Aimed at people who already have a condition or illness Tertiary: Aimed at people who have suffered a complication
What do you know about...Health promotion & education- population health approach
-Health and learning are interconnected -Education level affects health (kids who learn more are healthier) -School based and school linked programs can influence health status and improve educational achievement. -Is not just about classes and sports, but concerns the entire school environment and the many support services in both the school and community that affect health and wellness. -Health promoting schools involve the community.
What is Eustress?
Positive stress in out lives! =)
What are Pathogens?
Disease causing agent. Found in air, food, water and contact with people and objects. Types of microbes that cause infections are: Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and parasitic worms.
What are the dimensions of wellness?
Spiritual Occupational Physical Emotional Social Intellectual Environmental
what is the definition of Determinants of health?
Determinants of health Are factors that influence health. Things that make people healthy or not.
What are the benefits of Health Promotion? =)
Improved student performance Higher level of dedication to education by staff and students Safe school environment Active school population Improved health education/awareness Lower miss days Lower drop out rate Greater willingness to accept change
What happens when you confront a stressor?
Your body responds by producing stress hormones that speed up heart rate and blood pressure and prepare the body to deal with the threat.
What are Viruses?
Very small parasitic microbes that live inside another cell. Often spread by the transmission of body fluids
What is health promotion
Is the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health.
What are the determinants of health (9)?
Income and social status (people on the top income have better health) Social support networks (affects their capacity to act and make choices for themselves) Education (increases job security, increases skills they need to identify and solve problems) Employment and working conditions (stress, hazardous, unemployment) Physical environments (air and water) Biology and genetics (genetics to develop diabetes) Personal health practices and coping skills (preventing diseases) Healthy child development (Good physical health and good nutrition) Health services (Facilitate community, prevent illnesses)
What are the 4 components of Comprehensive School Health?????
1. Healthy physical environment (proper waste disposal, extra curricular activities) 2. Teaching and learning (Holistic development of the mind, body, heart, and spirit) 3. Social supports (Effective school management practices, active student participation) 4. Health and other support services (Child protection services, counseling) * When all 4 are harmonized, students are supported to realize their full potential as learners-and as healthy, productive members of society.
Stress becomes __________ when symptoms such as moodiness, irritability, depression, and anxiety become an everyday occurrence. Some people describe their_______as a feeling of paralysis or numbness.
what is an Epidemic? Endemic? Pandemic?
Epidemic: A disease outbreak that affects many people Endemic: Describes a disease that is always present to some degree Pandemic: An epidemic that becomes very wide spread and effects a whole region, a continent or world.