Head to Toes
Risks/Life Management
Meal plan/Budget

Name 2 complications of Type 2 Diabetes

Blindness, amputation, kidney failure, heart problems


Name the 3 skin types

Oily, Dry, Combination

What are the 3 learning styles

Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic


You go out for dinner to Mexican Restaurant. Name 2 ways You could have a healthy meal off of the menu. 

Choose something baked, not fried. No sour cream. Ask for light cheese. Ask for extra lettuce and tomato. Order off of the lunch menu (smaller portions)


Name 2 risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes

Overweight, inactivity, family history, over the age of 44

Is dandruff caused by oily or dry skin? 
Oily skin

Scott is playing soccer on an 80 degree day. He forgot his water Bottle. He has stopped sweating has a headache and is starting to become confused. What is wrong with Scott?  What should you do? 

Heat stroke (stopped sweating) so you should call 911 then cool him down while you wait. 


Name 2 needs and 2 wants

Needs - Shelter, food, clothing

Wants - Soda, to go to the movies


Look at this beverage label. Would Mrs. Hunter think this was a good choice? Why or why not? 


No, it contains sucralose.


Name 2 things you should NOT do if you have acne.

Scrub your face hard. Use hot water on your face. Wear hats that cause you to sweat a lot. 

What are the ABC's of respiration? 

Airway, Breathing, Circulation


Name 2 ways to stretch your grocery budget. 

Shop sales. Buy in bulk IF it is a good deal. Buy produce in season. Buy frozen fruits and vegetables. Repurpose leftovers so you never waste! 


If French dressing has 9 grams of added sugar per serving, what percentage of the daily limit for recommended sugars is that? 

9/25 = 0.36 

0.36 * 100 = 36%


Name 3 ways you can take care of your skin. 

Wear sunscreen, drink plenty of water, eat fruits and vegetables and don't do anything harsh to it (don't scrub too hard, don't use really hot or really cold water)


You have a Science project due on Monday. It is Wednesday. You hate Science and you are an earlier riser. Name 3 ways you can practice good time mgmt. skills.  

Start working on it first thing Wednesday morning. Break the project into chunks and do a little bit each day. Finish before the weekend so you are not stressed on Sunday!


Name 3 healthy foods that are usually inexpensive. 

Beans, lentils, celery, oats


What is a snack that will help keep blood sugar levels stable? 

Anything that includes protein and a healthy carb will suffice. PB with apple, cottage cheese and pears, smoothie made with berries, spinach, and a clean protein powder. 

What does SPF 30 mean? 

Sun Protection Factor 30


Name 4 pieces of personal information you should not reveal online.

Address, phone number, social security number, school, birthdate, height, weight, parent's names

Plan out a full day of meals and snacks – think frugal and healthy. Make sure you include fruits or vegetables and protein with each meal and snack at a bare minimum. 

Example: B-fast - Oats with frozen berries and nut butter, Lunch - Taco salad with homemade refried beans, salsa, tomatoes, and guac with apple, Dinner - Whole wheat noodles with no sugar marinara sauce and meatball (or vegetarian "bean balls"), salad, whole grain garlic bread, Snack - Celery and PB