What things can physical activity improve?
mental health, lower stress, increase of energy, better sleep, better habits
What kinds of things can cause mental health issues? (name one)
bullying, too much screen time, family issues, trauma, isolation, etc.
How could you help someone out?
Let them know that you care for them
What are the 4 benefits of physical health?
What are symptoms of depression and anxiety?
How can you improve your social health?
Putting yourself out into the open, doing things you would not usually do.
What does running enhance?
Your endurance
How can talking about your feelings to someone improve yourself?
You are letting people know about your struggles, allowing them to try and help you
How might adhd affect your daily life?
unstable relationships, poor work or school performance, low self-esteem, and other problems
What is released from your brain when exercising?
You are not exposed to others, making you more anxious more often.
Why is it important to have people supporting you?
It is important to feel like you are being seen and heard and to have people be there for you
What category of food has the highest calcium?
Dairy products
What qualifies you for anxiety medication?