If you have a difficulty with a person, what is the first thing you should do?
Talk with that person
What function of the brain do you lose first when you drink alcohol?
What is judgement
What is the most important thing you can do for another individual?
If I am having difficulty with a relationship and need to visit with someone on campus confidentially, who would that be?
Who is Father Lacey, Sister Rosemarie, Lisa Wilcoxon or Karly
What could you do if a friend comes to you who is feeling unsafe in a relationship?
Offer to help them connect with someone in student life or refer to Uwell.
Where you get help with anxiety, depression, extreme stress, etc.
What Uwell or reach out to someone?
What are some warning signs of an unhealthy relationship?
Controlling behavior, feeling unsafe, abusive behavior, withdrawing from other relationships.
You will preform better on an exam if you stay up late to study.
What is false
The cost of the Uwell for students.
What is free?