Food Labels
True Or False
Healthy Eating Habits

What should you look at on the food label for how much of the food you should have?

Serving size


40% of food marketing towards kids is spent on fruits & vegetables. True or false?

False. 40% of food marketing towards kids is spent on fast food.


Name one place you can get healthy food from.

Grocery stores, food markets, farm stands.


Which is the good fat? Trans fats or saturated fats?

Saturated fats


Chicken in the shapes of dinosaurs is healthier than plain chicken. True or false?

False. Chicken shaped like things such as dinosaurs is processed, so plain chicken is healthier.


Is eating food not prepared by you more healthy then foods made by you?

No, because you would not know what is inside of the product.


What does an ingredient list help you do?

An ingredient list helps you know what ingredients are in a product.


The Canadian government is increasing trans fats in products. True or false? 

False. The Canadian government is working towards eliminating trans fats in products.


How much money goes towards healthy foods?

$550 dollars to it per year.


If the daily value percentage of sodium is 40% is that low or high?

40% sodium is high. It means that you are consuming 40% of your daily sodium in that single serving.


Every Canadian should have better access to fast food. True or false.

False. Every Canadian should have better access to healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.


What should you eat in a day on a healthy diet?

Fruits, vegetables, protein, & whole grains


Name a misleading food label trick.

Hidden caffeine, low fat, sneaky nitrates, limit natural sugar, health claims, whole comes first, careful with light, most importantly check the serving size.


Ads for unhealthy food geared towards children would show cartoon characters and would say fun things like "If you buy this product you will gain superpowers!". 

True. The advertisers use fun and cartoons to get kids to ask their parents for unhealthy foods.


How much money is spent on sugary drinks and foods per year?

$1.8 billion dollars per year.