True or False: exercise should only be done to lose weight.
FALSE, exercise can be done for a number of reasons such a weight gain, building muscle, feel energized, reduce the feeling of stress, etc.
{ if you answered wrong, do 5 squats }
What are some negative ways of escaping stress?
Overeating or undereating
Total avoidance of stressful situations
{ if you answered wrong, do 5 push-ups }
What happens if you eat more calories than your body can burn off?
Your body stores them
{ if you answered wrong, do 5 burpees }
True or Fale: You don't need a prescription to get condoms.
{ if you answered wrong, do 5 lunges each leg }
What should you clean your skin with before putting on a birth control patch?
Rubbing alcohol
{ if you answered wrong, do a 10 second plank}
What are some positive ways to cope with something?
{ if answered incorrectly, do 10 squats }
Why is anorexia dangerous?
Heart attack
Brain damage
Future infertility
{ if you answered wrong, do 10 push-ups }
What is resting metabolic rate?
Amount of calories you need from food just to stay alive
{ if you answered wrong, do 10 burpees }
How often should you use plan b?
Only 2-3 times a year
{ if you answered wrong, do 10 lunges each leg}
What is anorexia?
Severe weight loss due to purposely restricting food intake and/or over-exercising
{ if you answered wrong, do a 20 second plank}
What are the definitions of resilience?
Coping in a positive way
Facing adversity
Bouncing back from difficulties
Working through difficult times
{ if answered incorrectly, do 15 squats }
What is addiction?
Addiction is a dependency on a substance or behaviour in order to achieve an increase in dopamine, the “pleasure chemical” in the brain.
{ if you answered wrong, do 15 push-ups }
What are some foods high in carbohydrates?
bread, crackers, pasta, beans etc.
{ if you answered wrong, do 15 burpees }
What are hormonal birth control methods?
Birth control pills, patches, and IUD
{ if you answered wrong, do 15 lunges each leg}
Should everyone weigh the same?
No, weight can depend on age, gender, genetics, height, eating habits, mental health, environment and more
{ if you answered wrong, do a 30 second plank}
What are the 4 points of self-confidence?
Know who you are as a person
Have your own values and goals for yourself
Don’t need the approval of others to be yourself
Are able to find beauty in yourself and others
{ if answered incorrectly, do 20 squats }
What are the physical problems stress can cause over a long period of time?
High blood pressure
Lower immune function
Hair loss
Weight changes
Increased chance of heart attack or stroke
{ if you answered wrong, do 20 push-ups }
Factors that can influence calories burned are?
Activity level
Amount of muscle you have
Amount of food you eat
{ if you answered wrong, do 20 burpees }
What are the side effects of using plan b?
Vomiting, bleeding, and cramping
{ if you answered wrong, do 20 lunges each leg}
At how many weeks old can an ultrasound detects a baby's heartbeat?
10 weeks
{ if you answered wrong, do a 40 second plank}
What was body image in the 80s and 90s vs now?
80s and 90s:
Restricted eating
Counting calories
Fad diets
Exercise was only for weight loss
Fashion and media only had 1 ideal body type for women’
Strive for a lower weight on the scale
Enjoy all foods in moderation
Eat when you’re hungry
Exercise for whatever reason you want
Critical of messages that focus on unrealistic thinness
Muscular and tall people will weigh more but the number on the scale doesn't matter
{ if answered incorrectly, do 25 squats }
What are the symptoms of bulimia?
Dark circles under eyes
Extreme tiredness
Withdrawal from social life
Bodyweight may not drastically change
Hair, fingernails, and skin look dry
Avoidance of eating in front of people
{ if you answered wrong, do 25 push-ups }
What is the amount of your diet that should come from protein?
{ if you answered wrong, do 25 burpees }
Multiple Choice: How effective is an IUD
a) 100%
b) 96%
c) 99%
d) 97%
C, an IUD is 99% effective towards pregnancy
{ if you answered wrong, do 25 lunges each leg}
Can viral infections be cured?
No, the virus will be in your bloodstream forever but symptoms might come and go
{ if you answered wrong, do a 50 second plank}