Physical fighting is not okay because...
You could get seriously injured or more people could join in on the fight.
Your friend who is not allowed to drink started drinking. What should you do?
Talk to your parents about the problem and your friend.
What is a calorie
A calorie is fuel for the body
What are effects of stress?
Width-drawl from friends
Trouble sleeping
What should you say when your friend offers you alcohol?
Your friend asks you and a couple other kids to fight some bullies.What do you do...?
Talk to your friend about the situation or talk to a trusted adult.
Tell your friends they can leave your house or call your parents.
Is eating fast food everyday healthy?
No, fast food can give you diabetes and other problems for your health. It is okay if you eat it every so often.
You and your friend are talking then he brings up the idea of killing them self. What should you do?
Talk to your parents, therapists, or a counselor.
What should you think of your body?
Accept it
Like it
Take care of it
What is a weapon?
Something that can hurt somebody.
You see vaping ads on social media and everybody is using them.
Do not be persuaded to vape because it is bad for you.
What does my plate value most on your plate
People make fun of the way your body looks and you feel insecure about it. What should you do?
You can change the way your body looks by exercising, but you still have to accept the way your body looks regardless of your weight, height, shape etc.
What does ACT mean?
Your friend is getting abused at home and he is becoming more violent to other people.
You should calmly talk to your friend or talk to your parents about the problem. Your parents, a counselor, or a therapist should talk to the friend and the parents.
Your friend offers you a vape and your other friends also want you to try it. What should you do?
Say no and if they keep asking you then leave.
You see your favorite athlete on TV eating fast food.
You should know that fast food is not good for you and not be persuaded to eat it because of your favorite athlete.
Your friends pet died recently and they have been real upset and not talking to anybody lately. What should you do?
Talk to them about the situation and let them know you are there for them. Also depending on how bad it is take them to a counselor for help.
What should you say to a bully?
Tell them how you do not like they way they are treating you.
What is a good way to deal with a bully?
Do not physically fight them because it will expand the problem. Talk to a trusted adult to help with the problem.
No, you are too young and you do not want to become addicted to it either. Also it is bad for your health.
Should I go on a diet when I am still growing?
No , you should not because your body is still growing everyday. Unless your doctor tells you to do so.
What is depression?
Depression is when you feel like you can not get happy. It can also cause you to feel lonely or hopeless.
What does the acronym FOMO mean?
It means Fear Of Missing Out. This can come from stress.