How many hours a night should you get of sleep?
The recommended time to sleep is 8 to 10 hours a night.
I feel that there is no meaning to life and i have no sense of control
Wrong, you can take control and change your outlook on life and it will become more positive.
I show no respect and, or care for myself and others,
You should respect and care for people around you even if you "don't" like them.
Consuming lots of sugar?
Is bad, because too much sugar can give you high blood pressure.
What is wellness?
An overall state of well-being or total health; the ultimate way of life that works to keep three components of health together.
If i brush my teeth every other week is that healthy?
No, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, once in the morning and then once again at night.
I feel that it is wrong to cry
it is okay to let our emotions out it shows we are humans.
I gossip about people all the time
You shouldn't talk about people weather they are in front of you or behind you, you shouldn't say something rude.
Getting 15 -20 minutes of exercise?
Is good, but if you don't it doesnt mean its bad, you just should more often.
What is Physical Health?
involves keeping your body as fit as possible and able to keep up with personal hygiene and getting the right amount of sleep and excercise.
If i smoke and drink i am considered unhealthy?
Yes, because drugs can cause damage to your nerve-system.
I can give others disrespectful compliments
That is something that lowers both, the person saying awful things and the person being told these things, self-esteem and confidence.
I seek and lend support when needed
Seeking and lending help is a good way to make friends or just to be respectful, being positive and kind to others you should get the same reaction back.
is vaping good or bad for your lungs?
Vaping is bad for your lungs.
What is Mental Health?
Involves being conformable with yourself, feeling good and being able to express emotions in a healthy way.
If i just eat salad i am healthy?
No, just eating salad will not make you healthy, it is healthy to eat you just need a variety of proteins.
I make very thoughtful and responsible decisions
Good, Making good and responsible decisions can boost your mood and keep a good mental/emotional health.
I socialize well with others without the influence of alcohol or other drugs
Good, Drugs and alcohol are bad fore your system, both physically, mentally and socially, it takes a big impact from your life.
drinking alcohol is just like water?
no, drinking alcohol is could be harmful to your health.
What is Social Health?
Involves with how you interact with others and how you choose your friends.
Drinking soda or pop all day is equivalent to drinking water all day?
No, Soda/pop has sugars and artificial flavors. you should at least drink 8Oz. of water a day.
I ask for help when I need it
Good, it is okay to ask for help it is also good to learn and try new things.
I continue growing, learning, and facing new challenges throughout life
Good, Continuing to grow and facing new challenges is a good way to help make friends.
Speaking with disrespect is how you get your way?
no, absolutely not. if you speak with manner and respect then yes you can get your way
What is Healthy?
A quality of life utilized by achieving a balanced combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.