Physical Health
Mental Health
Emotional Health
Social Health

Drinking this regularly is crucial for staying hydrated, especially during and after physical activity.

What is water?


This emotion is often felt when something good happens or when you are with people you care about.

What is happiness?


This is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response, often felt as pressure or tension.

What is stress?


When you listen carefully to someone and try to understand their point of view, you are practicing this skill.

What is active listening?


This team sport, where players aim to score by shooting a ball through a hoop, is popular worldwide and promotes cardiovascular health.

What is basketball?


These nutrients, found in fruits and vegetables, are essential for keeping your immune system strong.

What are vitamins?


This feeling can make you worry a lot, sometimes even when there isn’t a big problem.

What is anxiety?


Setting these can help you focus on what you want to achieve and guide your decisions and actions.

What are goals?


This type of person listens to you, supports you, and shares good and bad times with you.

What is a friend?


This is the term for when you share thoughts, feelings, and experiences with others.

What is communication?


This macronutrient, found in foods like chicken, beans, and tofu, is essential for muscle repair and growth.

What is protein?


These are signs like feeling sad for a long time or losing interest in activities that may indicate a need for mental health support.

What are symptoms of depression?


When you feel this type of stress, it might help you perform better or meet a deadline, like feeling excited before a game.

What is positive stress (or eustress)?


This type of communication involves using gestures, facial expressions, and body language to convey meaning.

What is nonverbal communication/body language?


This recreational activity involves moving rhythmically to music and can be a fun way to get aerobic exercise.

What is dancing?


Physical activity often improves this nightly routine, helping you feel more rested and alert the next day.

What is sleep?


This type of thought focuses on positive outcomes and helps you stay hopeful and motivated.

What is optimism?


This is a form of expressing anger without hurting others or yourself, like using “I” statements.

What is assertive communication?


This term describes resolving conflicts by finding a solution that works for everyone involved.

What is compromise?


This term refers to the amount of energy you get from food and is measured in_____

What is a calorie?


Consuming a balanced meal with these three components can provide long-lasting energy and support physical activity.

What are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats?


This word means the ability to recover quickly from difficulties or to handle stress effectively.

What is resilience?


This term describes how you see yourself and what you believe about your abilities and character.

What is self-esteem?


When you work together with people who have different skills and strengths to achieve a common goal, you are practicing this.

What is collaboration?


Serious reduction of water in the body

What is dehydration?