This visual aid is helpful for anyone looking to see how many servings of each food group are recommended and what foods they need to eat everyday.
What is MyPlate?
What is one benefit of physical activity
What is weight management, cardiovascular health, stress management, enjoyment, etc
What is the addictive drug found in all tobacco products?
What is nicotine
A mental health condition characterized by intrusive, unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
The name of the viral challenge that involved dumping cold water on oneself for charity
What is the ice bucket challenge
This nutrient is your primary source of fuel/energy
What is a carbohydrate?
The recommended amount of physical activity a teenager needs everyday.
What is 60 minutes?
Cocaine, meth, and nicotine are all considered this classification of drug
What is a stimulant
What are the two main forms of treatment for clinical depression?
What is therapy and medication
What was the biggest songs of 2014
What is Happy by Pharrell Williams
Name three different types of minerals.
What is calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, etc
Running a mile is considered this type of exercise.
What is aerobic exercise?
What is one way you could respond to someone pressuring you to try drugs/alcohol at a party?
What is leave, say no and give a reason, make excuse, etc
List two ways you can handle stress in a positive way
What is exercise, talk with friends, read, journal, power nap, watch your favorite show/movie, etc.
This app was tik tok before tik tok was created. You could share up to 6 second long looping video clips.
What is Vine
The units of heat that measure the energy used by the body that foods supply
What is a calorie
This equation will help you find your target heart rate zone.
What is 220-(age)=MHR
MHR x .6=Low end of zone
MHR x .8=High end of zone
Other than the body, name some harmful effects of drugs.
What is impact on family, relationships, school performance, career, risk of accidents, risk of arrest.
The episode a person is in if they have bipolar disorder where they are energetic, happy, and impulsive
What is a manic episode
What number of IPhone came out in 2014?
What is the IPhone 6 and 6s
The six essential nutrients your body needs.
What are Carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, water, and fat
The five components of fitness are important because they collectively contribute to overall physical health and well-being, allowing you to perform daily tasks with ease, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve your quality of life by addressing different aspects of physical ability which creates a well-rounded fitness plan.
What is cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition
Describe the difference between a depressant and a stimulant.
What is a depressant slows the functions of the body down and a stimulant speeds the functions of the body up.
What does it mean when we say there is a negative "stigma" surrounding mental illness?
What is it is a topic that people often don't talk about because there is a perception someone should be able to control and/or treat it themselves.
This 2014 trend had people debating what colors they saw whether it was gold and white or blue and black. What was it a picture of?
What is a dress