Who are more likely to get addicted to alcohol?
Teenagers, or people under 25, because their brains are still developing.
What is one serving of beer?
The only part of the brain that is affected by addiction is the Cortex
False, the limbic system and the cortex
What type of drug is alcohol
a depressant
What does B.A.C stand for?
Blood alcohol concentration
What does the ethanol in alcohol do to the brain?
How many people nationwide suffer from alcohol addiction?
20 million
There are many factors that affect how many drinks are equal to certain effects, such as gender, food intake, and weight.
What cures hangovers?
What is the Limbic system?
The part of the brain that is responsible for basic survival instincts
How does alcohol affect the frontal lobe?
Alcohol effects the frontal lobes by relaxing you and making you talk more freely.
What is your B.A.C after you drink 2.5 drinks in 1 hour?
The fastest way for drugs to get to the brain is when you orally eat/drink them
What are the three different types of alcohol?
Beer, liquor, wine
What is a blackout?
When you drink heavily over a short period of time, you also do not remember what you said or did
What do the hippocampus and amygdala do?
The hippocampus and amygdala stores a memory of the feeling when dopamine is released, so we want to feel it again
What is your B.A.C after you have 1 drink in 1 hour?
The slowest way for a drug to get to you brain is when you inhale it
What are signs of a hangover?
Headaches, fatigue, weakness, thirst, muscle aches, nausea, stomach pain, stomach pain, sensitivity to light and sound.
What is binge drinking?
Binge drinking is drinking 5 or more drinks in one sitting
What happens to your body when your B.A.C is a 3.5 or above?
You may fall into a coma, or even die
How high is your B.A.C when your voice is starting to slur, you will be off-balanced, there is a decrease in reaction time, coordination, and when your seeing and hearing will weaken?
Alcohol effects planning, judgement, decision making, impulse control, language, learning and memory foundation
What are three neurotransmitters that alcohol mainly affects?
Gaba, glutamate, dopamine
What is dopamine? And how does it lead to addiction?
Dopamine is a pleasure chemical that your brain releases when you do something like building relationships. If dopamine is repeatedly released, you will feel like you cannot feel happy without it. This is how dopamine can lead to (alcohol) addiction.