What are vitamins?
organic substances made by plants or animals
What are minerals?
Inorganic elements that come from soil and water
Why is water important to the body?
Your body requires water to deliver nutrients and remove waste, for nervous cells to fire correctly, and for cells to function properly.
What do carbohydrates supply for your body?
What are proteins made of?
amino acids
What is a calorie?
A calorie is a unit of measurement. It measures how much energy a food will give you.
What is the scientific word for fats?
What is a coenzyme?
A coenzyme helps enzymes to function.
How is calcium used in the body?
- needed for strong bones and teeth
What is dehydration?
When your body doesn't have enough water to do its jobs
What are simple carbohydrates?
These carbs are broken down and absorbed by the body quickly.
How do our cells get proteins?
Our cells make human proteins. We need to eat protein to get the amino acids from other living things so we can make our own human proteins.
Name three ways that fats help your body.
- help your body heal
- store energy
- make cell membranes
- keep skin healthy
- store vitamins
Which is the worst kind of fat to eat?
Trans fats
What types of vitamins are stored in your body?
Fat soluble vitamins - A, D, E and K
How is sodium used in the body?
- helps nervous system and fluid balance
What are signs of dehydration?
Thirst, dark urine, dry mouth and eyes
What are complex carbohydrates?
Complex carb molecules are larger than simple carbohydrate molecules. They take longer to break down in the digestive system.
What are essential amino acids?
Essential amino acids are a group of 9 amino acids that our cells cannot make on their own and must be eaten.
Name the three types of fats
Saturated fats
Unsaturated fats
Trans fats
What small molecule makes up fats?
fatty acids
Name the water-soluble vitamins.
B or C
How is potassium used in the body?
- helps nervous system and fluid balance
What atoms make up a water molecule?
Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
Why is a diet high in simple carbohydrates bad?
You get a quick burst of energy but then crash right away, making you feel hungry. This can cause you to eat too much and gain weight.
What are complex protein foods?
Foods that have all nine essential amino acids (beef, chicken, pork, fish)
What are saturated fats?
Fats that are solid at room temperature
What are essential fatty acids?
They are the fatty acids that your body cannot make and must be obtained from your food. (Omega 3 and Omega 6)
It keeps your smooth muscles running and fights infections.
How is iodine used in your body?
- prevents goiters
How does the body lose water?
Urine, sweat, feces, breathing
What are examples of simple carbohydrates?
sugars, candy, fruits, fructose, sucrose, glucose
What are incomplete protein foods?
Incomplete protein foods only have some of the essential amino acids.
What are unsaturated fats?
Fats tha tare liquid at room temperature
What foods have Omega 3?
salmon, tuna, sardines, dark leafy veggies, avocados, sesame seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds
What do B vitamins do for the body?
They help the entire body
- help the cells make energy
- keep nervous system, blood cells, and skin working normally
Which is more important for your health - vitamins or minerals?
They both are.
List in order from smallest to largest - molecules, cells, atoms
Atoms, molecules, cells
What is the glycemic index?
The glycemic index is a scientific measurement of how quickly food releases energy into the bloodstream.
Can your body store proteins?
No, your body will start to break down your muscles if you do not get enough protein in your diet.
What is hydrogenation?
A process that companies use to make unsaturated fats taste better - which results in trans fats
What are triglycerides?
They are three fatty acid molecules linked together with one glycerol molecule.