acting to persuade or educate policymakers to respond positively to a particular position on an issue or to follow a particular course of legislative regulatory, or funding activity
the statement of principles and polices pf a political party, candidate, or elected official
professional organization that represents all registered nurses
American Nurses Association (ANA)
a set of statements encompassing rules that apply to people in professional rules
Code of ethics
A set course of action(s) undertaken by governments or health care organization in order to impact the health of individuals and populations.
health policy
A local, state, or federally elected or appointed official who can propose and directly affect legislation, regulations, or programs that can become actualized
appointed board within each state charged with the responsibility to administer the nurse practice act of the state
State board of nursing
a jointly sponsored state and federal program that pays for medical services for persons who are elderly, poor, blind, or disabled and for certain families with dependent children who meet specific income guidelines
personal advocacy by individual constituents- everyday- citizens- in support of a problem/position/ option related to a policy issue
Grassroots lobbying
rules used to implement legislation and translate concepts into actions that can be put into practice
the general term used to refer to health policy initiatives to effect significant changes in how health is promoted and health care is accessed
a federally funded health insurance program for the disabled, person with end-stage renal disease, and persons 65 years of age and older who qualify for social benefits
A citizen who has the opportunity to vote for candidates in elections for representation at the local, state, and federal levels
individuals, groups, or organizations who have a vested interest in and my be affected policy decisions and actions being taken, and thus may attempt to influence those decisions and actions
an arm of a corporation association, or union formed to provide support and resources either to work toward the election or reelection of policymakers who support a certain policy
Political action committee (PAC)
what type of insurance is a method for individuals to maintain insurance coverage for healthcare cost through a contract with a health insurance company that agrees to pay all or portion of the cost of a set of defined health care services
private health insurance
The professional organizational unit member of the American Nurses Association that represents all professional nurses within a state or territory or other defined organizational entity or boundary
Constituent/ state nurses association (C/SNA)
what program provides health insurance coverage to uninsured children who do not qualify for the state medicaid program
Children's health insurance program (CHIP)
what act caused a boom in hospital construction, shifting nurses primary employment setting from public health to hospitals
Hill-Burton Act
is a government-funded health care plan that provides universal coverage to a population. It's also known as universal insurance.
public health insurance