substance use

what is substance use?

substances such as alcohol, tobacco products, illicit drugs, inhalants, and other substances that can be consumed, inhaled, injected


what is an addiction in drugs?

a disease that affects a persons brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal or medicine 


how can you stop drinking?

-avoid temptation 

-let others know you're quitting

-delay drinking 

-set realistic goals  


how can you stop smoking? 

ask for help

tell people you're stopping 

focus's on your motivation 


change your routine 

keep your mind and hands busy


how do people get HIV?

sexual contact, shooting of illicit drugs or use of shared needles, and contact with infected blood 


how can this affect you?

it can trigger mood, anxiety or depression disorders. it can also increase the risk of developing a serious mental illness, such as psychosis or schizophrenia.


how can your addiction to drugs affect other people. 

can lead to fighting between family members and friends. family members and friends can be stressed or anxious when dealing with the person using, which can negatively affect their own health.


how can drinking affect you?

weakness heart muscles, which can affect the lungs, livers, brain and other body systems, and also cause heart failure 


how can smoking affect you?

puts you at risk for cancer, stroke, heart attack, lung disease and other health issues.


What is HIV? What is AIDS?

is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. 


how can this affect other people?

A person's addiction usually has a negative impact on the family, which can lead to conflict and fighting between family members. family members can become stressed or anxious when dealing with the person, which can negatively affect their own health.


how to get your mind off addictions?

play games, go on walks/runs, hangout with family or friends, sports, or any hobby 

(mosty Roblox for me)


how can drinking affect other people?

As some people drink more, they become inebriated and potentially loud and boisterous

how can smoking affect other people around you?

Secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer in people who have never smoked before.

it can also make you more distant from your family or make you grumpy, sad, depressed or any negative vibe 


where can you get tested for HIV? 

any hospital would work 

what is an example of substance use?

marijuana, heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine or legal substances such a as alcohol, nicotine or prescription 


how can you stop being addicted?

-avoiding places where you know drugs and alcohol will be available 

-surrounding yourself with friends who don't use drugs/alcohol 

-knowing how to resist temptation 

-learning how to cope with stress and relax without drugs/alcohol 


what can you do if you're addicted to alcohol 

try talking to someone

try quitting

start eating healthy

distract yourself with other hobbies 


what should you do if someone offers you a cigarette 

Always say No, thank you. I've quit smoking. Avoid passive smoking and second hand smoking.


Is there a cure or vaccine for HIV?

no vaccine has been approved by the U.S food and drug administration 


how do you not get a disorder?

1 be a non smoker and avoid secondhand smoke. if you smoke get help to quit

2 be physically active everyday 

3 eat healthy foods 

4 archive a healthy weight 

5 control your blood pressure 

6 reduce your stress 

7 limit your intake of alcohol 


whats an addiction?

addiction is something you start to depend on so you kind of think its your best friend 

what to do if someone asks you to drink a drink.

say "I don't drink" or just simply walk away 


what should you do if you get pre pressured into smoking?

Be specific. Since more smokers, casual or not, know that cigarettes are unhealthy, it's probably not enough to simply say that you're quitting because cigarettes are bad.


What are common symptoms of HIV?

fever, diarrhea, weight loss, and etc