Just KIDding

A nurse is using a health education component when teaching about smoking cessation. Which of the following actions is the nurse implementing?

  • Setting a quit date for people in a smoking cessation class
  • Providing education regarding the benefits of smoking cessation
  • Allowing smokers to participate in a smoking cessation program only if they use the patch nicotine replacement system
  • Encouraging attendees of a smoking cessation program to participate in a research study

Providing education regarding the benefits of smoking cessation


Which of the following individuals should the nurse use a trauma-informed approach to care?

  • A 24 year old woman who is seeking a therapeutic abortion
  • An 8 year old child who has sustained a compound fracture to his right arm
  • An 86 year old man who has dementia and is living with his son
  • All of the above

All of the above 


A nurse is discussing the harmful effects that chemical agents can have on an unborn child with a woman who is pregnant. Which of the following statements made by the woman indicates a need for further teaching?

  • “It is safe to eat up to 12 ounces of cooked fish weekly.”
  • “I should avoid using caffeine during pregnancy.”
  • “Consumption of one drink per day will not cause any harm to my unborn baby.”
  • “Use of nicotine during pregnancy may cause my child to be born prematurely.”

“Consumption of one drink per day will not cause any harm to my unborn baby.”


An infant is lying in a crib watching and listening to a colourful mobile. What is the purpose of having a mobile?

  • Provides stimulation for continued growth and development for the infant
  • Provides too much stimulation for the infant, making it difficult for the infant to focus
  • Serves as inadequate stimulation for the infant because it is an inanimate object
  • Serves as a distractor for the infant, making it easier to fall asleep

Provides stimulation for continued growth and development for the infant


Which of the following toddlers would require further investigation from the nurse?

  • Sitting quietly on a couch
  • Experiencing a temper tantrum
  • Playing with a toy next to another child also playing with a toy
  • Exploring his environment and playing with new toys

Sitting quietly on a couch


Which of the following illustrates that the objectives of health education and counseling have been met?

  • Asthmatic who has a decrease in emergency department visits
  • Asthmatic who has been prescribed an albuterol inhaler
  • Asthmatic who attends an asthma education program
  • Asthmatic who visits the emergency department with an exacerbation

Asthmatic who has a decrease in emergency department visits


Which of the following statements is true concerning the mental health of older adults who are members of the LGBTQ2 community?

  • LGBTQ2 older adults have higher levels of psychological distress as compared to older adults in general.
  • Very few older adults identify as LGBTQ2 so this is not a concern in geriatric care.
  • Older adults who are LGBTQ2 enjoy better mental health compared to heterosexual older adults due to the strong support from the LGBTQ2 community.
  • Mental health is similar between individuals who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and those who identify as transgender.

LGBTQ2 older adults have higher levels of psychological distress as compared to older adults in general


A woman usually eats an 1800-calorie diet. She is now in the second trimester of her pregnancy. Which of the following best describes the caloric nutritional needs for this woman during the second and third trimester?

  • 1800 calories
  • 2100 calories
  • 2400 calories
  • 2700 calories

2100 calories


A mother tells the nurse that ever since she started toileting training, the toddler has been touching his genitals. Which of the following statements is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

  • “This is a sign that he is not ready to toilet train yet.”
  • “This behavior is developmentally normal.”
  • “Tell him to stop touching himself.”
  • “Don’t worry about it.”

“This behavior is developmentally normal.”


A nurse is counseling a teenager who smokes one pack of cigarettes a day. The teenager states he likes to smoke with his friends and does not recognize the connection between his smoking and his asthma. When planning an intervention for this person, the nurse must first recognize that the teenager is in what stage of change?

  • Precontemplation stage of change
  • Preparation stage of change
  • Action stage of change
  • Maintenance stage of change

Precontemplation stage of change


The goal for an educational session is for the individual to correctly demonstrate proper technique for checking blood sugar levels. Which of the following teaching strategies would be most effective?

  • Provide the individual with one-on-one education about blood sugar monitoring.
  • Provide the individual with a scenario about blood sugar monitoring.
  • Provide the individual with the opportunity to practice blood sugar monitoring.
  • Provide the individual with a blood sugar monitor.

Provide the individual with the opportunity to practice blood sugar monitoring


A client has been admitted to an inpatient mental health unit following a suicide attempt. Which nursing diagnosis would be considered a priority for this client?

  • Ineffective individual coping related to life events
  • Increased risk for self-injury related to past history
  • Altered nutrition, less than body requirements, related to depression
  • Body image disturbance related to scar on wrist

Increased risk for self-injury related to past history


Which of the following changes is experienced by the urinary system during pregnancy?

  • Increased urinary output secondary to total body water increase
  • Decreased bladder capacity
  • Decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) resulting from estrogen and progesterone surge
  • Increased renal excretion of acidic drugs

Increased urinary output secondary to total body water increase


Approximately how much sleep do toddlers require each day?

  • 8 hours
  • 10 hours
  • 12 hours
  • 14 hours

12 hours


Which interview question posed by the nurse is directed toward gathering subjective information from the client?

  • “When did you begin taking your antianxiety medication?”
  • “What types of events cause you to feel anxious?”
  • “Is there a history of chronic anxiety in your family?”
  • “Has your anxiety affected your blood pressure?”

“What types of events cause you to feel anxious?”


A nurse decides to use lectures, handouts, and a video to teach a group of teenagers the importance of safe sex practices. Which step in the teaching-learning process is the nurse demonstrating?

  • Assessment
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation

Which assessment data best support the suspicion that a client has difficulty managing anger?

  • History of arrests for assault and battery
  • Reports “being bullied by both my father and my older brothers”
  • Acknowledges being “sort of a hot head most of my life”
  • Several knuckles are bruised and scratched

History of arrests for assault and battery


A woman is Rh negative and the father of her baby is Rh negative. The woman states that her friend told her that she would need a “shot” to keep her baby alive. Which of the following statements would be the best response by the nurse?

  • “Yes, you will need an injection of RhoGAM at 28 weeks gestation and within 72 hours after birth.”
  • “Because the father of the baby is also Rh negative, your baby will not inherit Rh positive blood cells and you will not need the injection.”
  • “Yes, you will need the injection because this is your first pregnancy. You will not need it with subsequent pregnancies.”
  • “No, you will not need the injection because you are Caucasian. Rh incompatibility affects only individuals of African descent.”

“Because the father of the baby is also Rh negative, your baby will not inherit Rh positive blood cells and you will not need the injection.”


Which of the following foods will a 5-year-old child need help eating?

  • Pudding
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Soup in a bowl
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Soup in a bowl


Which client statement demonstrates evidence that the goal of crisis intervention has been achieved?

  • “I start deep breathing techniques when I first start getting panicky about speaking in public.”
  • “I get really nervous when I have to speak in front of several people, especially in public places.”
  • “I know that I can speak in public if I can manage the nervousness I feel.”
  • “I try to arrange speaking in public when I know at least one person in the audience.”

“I start deep breathing techniques when I first start getting panicky about speaking in public.”


A client who is 36 weeks of gestation is at her prenatal visit. The nurse tells the client that she will be screened for group B Streptococcus during today’s visit. Which of the following statements would be made by the nurse when providing client education about this screening test?

  • “Screening for group B Streptococcus is necessary as this infection can cause complications with pregnancy and to the unborn infant.”
  • “This screening will help us to determine if your unborn infant will be susceptible to respiratory distress when he or she is born.”
  • “Screening for group B Streptococcus will help us identify if you have been exposed to this or any other infections during your pregnancy.”
  • “This screening is necessary to determine if there is any Rh blood group incompatibility between you and your unborn child.”

“Screening for group B Streptococcus is necessary as this infection can cause complications with pregnancy and to the unborn infant.”


An individual has shared that he is suicidal and has a plan he will implement soon. The nurse should give priority to asking which question?

  • “How long have you had this plan to harm yourself?”
  • “Have you ever tried to harm yourself in the past?”
  • “Where did you get this plan to harm yourself?”
  • “How do you plan to harm yourself?”

“How do you plan to harm yourself?”


A nurse is caring for a woman during the fourth stage of labour. Which of the following best describes an action the nurse would take during this stage?

  • Providing constant reinforcement and education about the labour process and assisting the woman with pushing
  • Explaining unusual interventions such as the use of a fetal heart monitor
  • Assisting with labour discomfort by modeling breathing
  • Teaching the new mother positioning of the infant to assist with breast-feeding

Teaching the new mother positioning of the infant to assist with breast-feeding


The nurse is conducting a physical exam on a 3-year-old child. Which of the following would be the best way for the nurse to approach the child during the exam?

  • Let the child listen to the nurse’s heart with the stethoscope.
  • Tell him to sit quietly while the nurse examines him.
  • Ask his parents to leave the room to minimize distractions.
  • Ask another nurse to hold him while the nurse examines him.

Let the child listen to the nurse’s heart with the stethoscope.


A positive pregnancy test conclusively verifies that pregnancy has occurred.

  • True
  • False
