Social Cognitive Theory
Social Networks/Social Supports
Stress, Coping, Health Behavior
models of Health Behavior
Cultural Diversily/Community Building
Define Social Cognitive Theory
What is a learning theory based on the ideas that people learn by watching what others do and that human thought processes are central to understanding personality.
What is the role of stress in health and illness?
What is contribute directly through physiological effects, contributes indirectly through maladaptive behaviors, affects people differently, effectiveness of coping strategies plays a major role in mediating stress. Members of social network also play a role in mediating stress.
What is the purposeof the Ecological Model of Health Behavior?
What is the consideraton of the connection between people and the environment is a framework to examine the multiple effects and interrelatedness of social elements in an environment.
Define Cultural Sensitivity Define Cultural Competence
What is Sensitivity the extent to which ethnic or cultural characteristics, experiences, norms, values, behavior patterns, and beliefs of a target population, and relevatnt historical environmental, and social forces are incorporated into the design, delivery, and evaluaton of targeted health interventions, including behavioral change materials and programs Competence- the capacity of individuals to exercise interpersonal cultural sensitivity
Role of the environment as it relates to Social Cognitive Theory
What is Objective factors that can affect a person's behavior but are phsyically and external to the person (social/Physical)
Define the various types of coping efforts.
What are two dimensions, problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping
Define Moo's social ecological model?
What is Looks at Physical environment, Organizational factors, Human factors, Social Climate
Basic principle of any health education/promotion programs should be to start where the people are. True or False
What is True
What is observational learning and why is it so importan in health promotion/prevention?
What is learning by watching (observing) behavior Rewards to continue with the action continue
Define Mean-based coping
What is positive reinterpretation Acceptance Use of religion or spirituallity Takes a stressful situation and helps to interpret it in apersonally meaningful way. Usually more effective than diengaging in the coping efforts.
Name 5 levels of influence
What is Intrapersonal factors interpersonal processes Institutional factors Community factors Public policy
True or False One size fits all approach does not work.
What is True- must adapt to the target population
What is the difference between Outcome Expectations and Outcome Expectancies?
What are Expecations they are leanred by certain events in response to one's behavior and come to expect them. Expectancies are the values that a person places on a particular outcome.
Who can provide social support?
What is Family, friends, coworkers, supervisors- healthcare providers, human service workers anyone that can provide effective emotional support with empathy, formal contacts can offer education and information a combination is most helpful
Name 2 Healthy Coping Strategies.
What is Active involvement in treatment Emotional expression Use of spirtuallity and social support Coping flexibility (ability to use a variety of strategies). Cognitive-behvaioral interventions to ncrease problems-solving and personal responsibility for change.
Health promotion intervetntion should alter the _____________ factors that faciliate or hinder positive health behaviors. A ______________________approach is necessary to accomplish this.
What is environment and Multilevel
True or False The latest approach to health promotion stresses the increase need for people to have control over the determinatants of their health, high level public participation, and coopeation among public sectors. Aims to create sustainable environments an dprocesses for partnerships to create healthy public policies and reduce disparities and inequities between groups.
What is TRUE
How can we build self efficacy with our learners?
What is Confidence- how a person feels about performing a particular activity, including confidence about overcoming the perceived barriers to performing the behavior. May be the most important prrequisite for behavior change.
What is the value of the Social Network approach to health promotion/prevention?
What is Health status influences the extent of a person's ability to maintain a social network. Supportive ties enhance well-being and health. Research suggests that a negative itnerpersonal interactions are strongly related to negative mood, risky health behaviors, susceptibility to infectious disease. Members of social network help aperson reinterpret events in a positive and constructive way. This may increase postive coping.
Why is "dispositional optimism" so important?
What is Tendency to have positive expectancies for outcomes. faster recovery Optimism higher sense of personal control and more coping strategeis less distress.
Name 2 prinicples of Ecological Model?
What is Multi-leveled factors influence health behaviors. Behavior-specific ecological models are useful. polical dynamics can limit ecological interventions.
Define Empowerment
What is Social action process for people to gain mastery over their leives and the lives of their communities. involves participation, control, and critical awareness. Involves power within, moral, spiritual sources of power that expand as people empower themselves.