Suicide Prevention
Psychological health/stress management

What is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number?


are concussions and CTE different from each other?

Yes. Concussions are short term impairments of the brain caused by an unexpected jolt. CTE is the long term effect of repetitive concussions caused to the brain without proper care/recovery time. 

CTE can only be diagnosed after death.


Define psychological health

a broad dimension of health and wellness that encompasses both mental and emotional health


Define Nutrition

the scientific study of food and its physiological functions

It investigates the effects of diet on your body and health


Define what a vape is.

A device that is used to inhale vapor that contains flavoring and nicotine. 


How is social media play a role in mental health/suicide?

Social media can help but also hurt people. Online bullying can be a negative aspect on social media. However, social media can be positive. Promoting businesses, complimenting others through posts and pictures. 

How did the NFL market the games?

With the big hits/violence 


What is distress

Stress resulting from a bad stressor


Define Metabolism

the process by which your body converts food into energy


List 3 or more forms of tobacco products

Vapes, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco


Who is Kevin Hines?

A suicide attempt survivor. He attempted by jumping off the golden gate bridge, but he survived. 


Who was the doctor that had no prior knowledge of the NFL and did the autopsy on Mike Webster?

Dr. Bennet Omalu


Define General Adaptation Syndrome

An adaptive response consisting of three stages through which the body strives to maintain or restore homeostasis.

The three stages are the alarm phase, resistance phase, and the exhaustion phase


List the 6 classes of nutrients

1. Carbohydrates

2. Proteins

3. Fats (lipids)

4. Water

5. Vitamins

6. Minerals


Why do people vape/smoke

peer pressure, to fit in, cope with stress


How can you help someone who might present with suicidal thoughts or warning signs?

Listen to them, be there for them, offer help/support, tell a a trusted adult.


How is Mike Webster relevant to the topic Concussions?

Mike Webster was the center for the Pittsburg Steelers. He was one of the first points of contact during every play in a NFL game. He would endure concussions continuously and would not take the time to properly heal. He eventually died of a heart attack but was later examined and determined to be the first person who had a disease called CTE. 


list 5 physical reactions to stress

1. pupils dilate

2. sweating

3. trembling

4. Increased blood pressure

5. Digestive system slows


Describe what happens when you eat low glycemic index foods. And high glycemic index foods.

When you eat low glycemic foods, glucose seeps slowly into your bloodstream and your pancreas releases a smaller amount of insulin. You feel full for longer.

When you eat high glycemic foods, foods are quickly broken down into glucose, which flows rapidly into your bloodstream. Your pancreas releases large amounts of insulin. You feel hungry quickly.


List some long-term effects of smoking/vaping

Lung Cancer, yellow stained teeth, Cardiovascular health issues


List 5 warning signs of suicide

1. talking about it

2. withdrawal from social contact

3. getting the means

4. increase use of drugs & alcohol

5. saying good-bye to people as if they won't be seen again


Describe what happens to the brain when hit at high speed

When the body is hit and jolted, the brain is free floating in fluid in the skull and gets disturbed by hitting the sides of the skull causing small "brain bleeds". If repeated hits happen, the brain starts to slowly break down and not repair itself. Permanent brain damage can happen


List the 4 components of health






You have to drink water to replace what? (there are 5)

What you lose in

1. sweat

2. urine

3. feces

4. evaporation off your skin

5. exhalation of breath from your lungs


What chemicals can you find in vapes?

Nicotine, Diacetyl, Metals, Formaldehyde, Lead, Propylene glycol, Benzene, Cadmium, and many more