This is an emotional or physical response to something external
intentional physical, verbal, or social aggression. It’s often repeated over time and occurs when there’s a real or perceived power imbalance.
This disorder stems from things that have happened in the past. Things like abuse, neglect or war are common triggers.
PTSD: Post traumatic stress disorder
How many trimesters in a pregnancy are there
How someone views or feels about themselves is generally referred to as
self esteem
Over 1 million people are arrested each year for doing this
The act of humiliating, degrading or abusing someone is referred to as
This disorder involves food and can be either eating to much or to little.
Eating disorder
Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Scabies are examples of
STD's: Sexually Transmitted Disease
This is the second leading cause of death for teens
This is the legal limit for your blood alcohol content
Unwanted attention that is sexual in nature. Can include words, actions or pictures
Sexual Harassment
Insomnia is this type of disorder
Sleep disorder
This e cigarette is similar to a thumb drive
These are the 5 stages of grief
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
The name of the plant that marijuana comes from
Someone who is aware of bullying and doesn't intervene is referred to as a
This disorder usually causes hallucinations and delusions.
These are the 3 kinds of alcohol
Hard Liquor
This is excessive worry and fear that things are out of your control
What are the 4 phases of addiction
1. first time
2. occasional use
3. planned use
4. regular use
This term means to make up for doing wrong against someone.
Making Amends
This psychiatric disorder is caused by impulsivity or the inability to resist temptations
Impulse control disorder
What is the term used that means to refrain from sexual activity