Law REQUIRES public schools to teach children personal body safety to help prevent child sexual abuse.
Erin's Law
Nutrition deficiency and/or tooth decay may be caused from...
Eating Disorder
The legal drinking age in IL is...
In shot form, these can be given to prevent disease.
This LIFESAVING TECHNIQUE is useful during a HEART ATTACK or near drowning emergency (when someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped).
This is the body’s response to any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain.
List 2 people who "shape you" into who you are.
peers, teachers, coaches and family
Drinking 5+ drinks for men or 4+ drinks for women in a short amount of time.
Binge Drinking
Give an example of DIRECT transmission of pathogens.
Kissing, etc
The female reproductive hormone is ....
A preventable and severe form of PHYSICAL child abuse that results in an injury to the brain of a child. It often happens when a parent or caregiver becomes angry or frustrated because the child will not stop crying.
Shaken Baby Syndrome
The act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, to survive and thrive.
Smoke that is inhaled directly by the smoker
Mainstream Smoke
These can be used to help prevent unwanted pregnancies.
A carcinogen causes what?
This is when a guardian fails to provide basic needs for a minor - food, clothing, shelter, emotional well-being
Similar to vitamins, these give the body energy and help it repair and grow.
When alcohol consumes all aspects of one's life.
Diseases that CAN be passed through pathogens.
Communicable Diseases
During CPR, how many compressions should be given per minute?
This law allows a parent to relinquish an unharmed infant legally, safely, and anonymously with no fear of prosecution or questions asked, to personnel at a hospital, emergency medical facility, fire or police station
Safe Haven
Using the acronym S.M.A.R.T. relates to which health topic?
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound)
Goal Setting
What is the addictive agent in tobacco products?
To prevent pregnancy 100%, the option is...
Infections passed from one person to another through sexual contact - ex. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia